La nascita: la posta in cui si gioca come verremo al mondo. A che punto siamo oggi.

La nascita: la posta in cui si gioca come verremo al mondo. A che punto siamo oggi.

Commenti al Seminario Scienza ed etica del controllo riproduttivo: come sarà la riproduzione umana nel 2050?
Dopo FINRRAGE, oggi, per una nuova Rete internazionale femminista contro ogni riproduzione artificiale dell’umano e l’ingegneria genetica.

Cinque anni fa, all’inizio del nostro percorso di critica all’utero in affitto e, in un’accezione più ampia, alla riproduzione artificiale dell’umano, nel giro di presentazioni in tutta Italia del libro, da noi – Resistenze al nanomondo – tradotto e curato, La riproduzione artificiale dell’umano di A. Escudero, affermavamo:
Una volta che la PMA sarà estesa a tutte e tutti si entrerà in un circuito in cui, in nome della libertà di scelta, si creerà un contesto in cui non si potrà fare altrimenti. In un domani non troppo lontano sarà definito prima irresponsabile e poi criminale mettere al mondo figlie/i senza ricorrere alle tecniche di riproduzione artificiale garantite e gestite da un apparato medico.
Al tempo queste parole vennero considerate fantascientifiche e apocalittiche, ecco, oggi ci siamo già, basta ascoltare quello che dicono gli stessi ricercatori.
In un recente seminario dal titolo Scienza ed etica del controllo riproduttivo: come sarà la riproduzione umana nel 2050?1 tra loro si chiedevano semplicemente «quando la riproduzione sarà tutta assistita, quanto tempo ci vorrà a questo passaggio», a far sì che diventi il normale modo di venire al mondo.
Questi tecno-scienziati e filosofi transumanisti in un Manifesto per una responsabilità genitoriale per una riproduzione umana risignificano le nuove tecniche di riproduzione assistita che diventano responsabilità genitoriale.
Diventa quindi irresponsabile per una donna di 37 anni non ricorrere alle cliniche ed è, testuali parole, «ridicolo che una di 37 anni voglia l’amniocentesi, che se la pagi e che sia gratuita invece la diagnosi pre – impianto» dal momento in cui può accedere in una clinica di fecondazione assistita e selezionare quegli embrioni per quelle malformazioni genetiche per cui poi è prevista un’amniocentesi e la possibilità di abortire.
Dobbiamo considerare l’aumento di infertilità (per i pesticidi, i derivati dalle plastiche, le onde elettromagnetiche…) e che siamo un contesto in cui la maternità viene sempre più rimandata, con donne di 35-38 anni preoccupate del rischio di non poter più rimanere incinte che, in un contesto medicalizzante in cui il tempo di attesa per definire una donna con dei problemi di infertilità è stato ridotto da due anni a sei mesi, da protocollo dopo sei mesi rientrano nel percorso di procreazione medicalmente assistita.
Di fatto, già in Italia, una donna che dai 35 anni in su non riesca a rimanere incinta può accedere alle tecniche di procreazione medicalmente assistita consentite anche in casi di «infertilità inspiegate documentate da atto medico». Se la tecnica base di inseminazione intra-uterina non avrà successo, passerà alla fecondazione in vitro, con il test genetico consigliato per l’età avanzata e per un miglior successo della PMA.
Sono stati ben chiari ad affermare che «dal momento in cui la linea germinale già muta per conto suo quindi perché escluderla dall’editing genetico? Perché non si può toccare la vita?»
«Le modificazioni genetiche già avvengono perché non farle noi», si sono chiesti, poi «per quelle sbagliate c’è la selezione genetica».
Già su questo si è espresso il Comitato Bioetico Britannico, che nel 2018 ha dichiarato: «La modifica del DNA di un embrione per influenzare le caratteristiche di una persona futura (modificazioni genetiche ereditarie) potrebbe essere moralmente ammissibile».
Bisognerebbe ricordarsi la Conferenza di Asilomar del 1975 in cui i ricercatori hanno cominciato a parlare di regolamentazioni e di porre dei limiti alle ricerche di ingegneria genetica. Ma regolamentare ha significato di fatto legittimare quelle pratiche e quegli sviluppi tecno-scientifici ponendo dei limiti che man mano sono stati eliminati. Oggi sappiamo dove siamo arrivati, con la nascita delle prime bambine modificate geneticamente.
Infine si sono spinti a dire che «quando ci sarà la terapia genetica sugli embrioni nessuno vorrà più fare figli naturalmente». Questo pensiero non ci sembra più così assurdo.
Dobbiamo considerare che dal momento in cui uno sviluppo tecno-scientifico è possibile una pratica diventa accettabile semplicemente perché è realizzabile: avviene un’accettazione sociale in cui ciò che prima era impensabile e inaccettabile diventa gradualmente la normalità.
Le tecno-scienze non sono neutrali, non solo in ciò che si prefiggono, che arrivino o meno al risultato, ma già a monte, nella loro idea di riprogettazione e artificializzazione del vivente.
Nelle Scienze della vita il disastro non avviene solo se l’esperimento raggiunge i risultati prefissati, il disastro è implicito nella direzione della ricerca. Pensiamo ai finanziamenti dell’Unione Europea per le ricerche sull’utero artificiale, io non penso che in un futuro verremo al mondo da un utero artificiale, anche se sono già nati dei vitellini in questo modo, ma il punto non è solo se questo avverrà o no, perché nel mentre, le persone stanno già interiorizzando che sarebbe meglio consegnare in mano ai tecnici la procreazione e interiorizzeranno sempre di più una precisa idea di essere umano come imperfetto, continuamente da implementare, potenziare e modificare, una logica profondamente transumanista.
Nasciamo da madre e nasciamo da donna. Riscopriamo il valore simbolico della madre, colei da cui veniamo al mondo, perché a prescindere dal diventar madri, siamo tutte e tutti figli.
E mettiamo al centro l’indisponibilità dei corpi e del vivente, per un’altra visione di mondo, con la consapevolezza che non può esistere una possibilità di contrattazione, perché questo significherebbe che siamo disposte a cedere qualcosa, ma non si può contrattare su quello che riguarda i nostri corpi e su quei processi irreversibili che avranno delle profonde conseguenze per le future generazioni.
E senza possibili regolamentazioni perché regolamentare significa che il disastro è già avvenuto, perché è già insito nella diffusione della pratica e nella pratica stessa. Dal momento in cui viene regolamentata una pratica, anche se sono presenti delle restrizioni al suo utilizzo, già nella stessa regolamentazione è insita la possibilità di superarle.
Parallelamente, lo sviluppo tecnologico procede più in fretta delle legislazioni in materia e sono queste che si adegueranno ad esso.
Durante il seminario sono stati chiari nel descrivere come «il termine riproduzione invece che procreazione comporta un cambiamento: è termine medico e non fa più riferimento a un’etica iscritta nella natura, ma a un’etica i quali precetti etici possono cambiare in base agli sviluppi tecnici».
La procreazione diventando operazione tecnica di laboratorio diventa produzione del vivente, con tutta la strumentalizzazione che la produzione comporta.
La manipolazione e la modificazione genetica sono parte strutturali dell’ambiente-laboratorio e della concezione su cui si fonda. I corpi e i processi viventi all’intero di un laboratorio non possono che perdere la loro originaria indisponibilità all’appropriazione da parte del biomercato e delle tecno-scienze e a ogni modificazione genetica.
Nel processo di riproduzione artificiale il desiderio diventa il diritto a scegliere, la tecnologia ha trasformato il desiderio parentale in progetto parentale, in una pianificazione alimentata dall’offerta tecnologica. Ci si sente libere, ma in realtà questa pretesa libertà sottostà alle logiche della riproduzione artificiale che impongono loro leggi e dettano le loro procedure. L’intero processo frammentato viene ridefinito e diventa luogo di mercato e di riprogettazione, in cui ogni limite può e deve essere infranto ed eliminato.
«Le linee guida riguardano sempre il passato», affermano, «gli sviluppi delle ricerche sono già oltre» e, da perfetti transumanisti, che «la politica fa fatica a tirare le fila e a trasformare gli sviluppi delle tecniche in pratiche».
Le cliniche, pubbliche e private, certo non potrebbero esistere per effettuare esclusivamente la tecnica base dell’inseminazione artificiale e le varie restrizioni legislative, i vari paletti per casi limite, col tempo non possono che cadere, come è già avvenuto, pensiamo alla revisione della Legge di Bioetica francese, nello specifico l’Art.1 che riguarda le nuove norme per l’accesso alle tecniche di riproduzione artificiale e guardiamo alle aperture progressive delle leggi nazionali dei diversi Paesi europei, in cui si è passati dal divieto alla diagnosi pre-impianto alle eccezioni per evitare la trasmissione di malattie genetiche gravi, alle patologie ad insorgenza probabile fino ad arrivare agli inestetismi come lo strabismo.
Quando si accetta la logica della fecondazione in vitro, la logica della riproduzione artificiale, tale logica la si prende in blocco e nessuna regolamentazione o comitato etico sarà in grado di arginare questa direzione.
Purtroppo si è persa la memoria di FINRRAGE (Feminist International Network of Resistance to Reproductive and Genetic Engineering) una Rete internazionale femminista contro le tecnologie riproduttive e l’ingegneria genetica creata negli anni ’80 da Gena Corea, femminista radicale americana, insieme ad altre femministe. Questo ci fa capire come la direzione delle tecnologie di riproduzione artificiale si poteva già intravedere all’inizio del loro sviluppo. Corea ne descrive i primi passi e le loro prospettive future come l’equivalente in biologia del progetto Manhattan per la fisica nucleare. Oggi sappiamo qual è il risultato. Ma oggi non c’è più quel coraggio.
Il nostro intento è di costruire oggi una nuova Rete internazionale femminista contro ogni2 riproduzione artificiale dell’umano e l’ingegneria genetica senza la paura di porci in una posizione minoritaria.

Silvia Guerini


2Gestazione per altri “altruistica”, gestazione per altri commerciale, procreazione medicalmente assistita omologa ed eterogola (FIVET e ICSI), DPI, vendita e donazione di gameti…

Bologna – Ripetitore in fiamme

Dalla stampa locale:

Ripetitore telefonico completamente distrutto dalle fiamme, queste le scritte:
NO al controllo No alla sorveglianza Pandemia = Capitalismo

Tolosa – Incendio contro la Smart city

Tolosa, Montaudran: Reagiamo.

Nella notte fra il 20 e il 21 novembre, un macchinario di cantiere Bouygues è stato incendiato, a Tolosa, nel quartiere Montaudran. Da anni, il capitalismo neoliberale si riconfigura in profondità, utilizzando l’informatica e le nuove technologie per accrescere il suo controllo ed il suo sfruttamento sulla popolazione mondiale. Le crisi dovute al coronavirus e l’angoscia che queste generano gli offrono un’opportunità che si è affrettato a cogliere. Gli permettono di accellerare questo cambiamento: didattica a distanza, smart working, acquisti online, telemedicina, aperitivi virtuali e sesso online; non c’é più un solo aspetto della vita che sfugga a questo tentativo di informatizzare e rendere redditizia l’esistenza. La società Bouygues [grande gruppo industriale francese, con interessi nell’edilizia, nei media e nella telefonia mobile; NdT] non fa eccezione e partecipa, con altre, a questa corsa sfrenata. Dalla 5G alla smart city, è presente su tutti i fronti. Ecco perché, nella notte fra il 20 e il 21 novembre, un macchinario di cantiere Bouygues è stato incendiato, a Tolosa, nel quartiere Montaudran. Reagiamo.

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Milano – In solidarietà a Scripta Manent

Tratto da

Riceviamo e pubblichiamo da mail anonima:

Nella notte del 24 novembre, a seguito della sentenza per Scripta Manent, che ha condannato alcuni compagni, 2 auto e 3 moto Enijoy sono state date alle fiamme.

Liberi Tutti.

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Lettera Aperta dei Falciatori Volontari di OGM riguardo la revisione della legge sulla bioetica

“Subordinare la moralità agli sviluppi tecnici costituisce, per i Falciatori Volontari, un attacco insopportabile al rispetto dei valori umani”. A inizio novembre 2020 i falciatori volontari di OGM sfidano i senatori sulla revisione della legge sulla bioetica a denunciare “la perpetua trasgressione della tecnica dei limiti etici”. Invitano tutti a firmare qui la loro petizione .

A differenza di molti “ambientalisti”, i Falciatori Volontari sono coerenti: non possiamo combattere le piante e gli organismi geneticamente modificati (OGM) senza combattere la modificazione genetica degli esseri umani, l’eugenetica e il progetto transumanista accelerato da riproduzione artificiale, industriale e commerciale.

Nel 2016 ci siamo trovati al fianco dei Falciatori Volontari per denunciare – e impedire – la presenza di un portavoce dell’Associazione transumanista francese alla mostra “verde” di Primevère a Lione.
Mentre il parlamento si prepara a convalidare, con la revisione della legge sulla bioetica, gran parte del programma transumanista (eugenetica “liberale”, artificializzazione della riproduzione e manipolazioni genetiche, big data genetici, neurotecnologie, intelligenza artificiale), noi siamo felici di essere di nuovo insieme contro i biocrati e i loro sostenitori tecno-progressisti di tutti i tipi.

Non puoi essere un ambientalista senza essere antiindustriale.
Non si può essere antiindustriali senza opporsi alla produzione artificiale degli esseri umani e alla loro manipolazione genetica.

Pièces et Main d’Oeuvre
10 Novembre 2020

Lettera Aperta dei Falciatori Volontari di OGM riguardo la revisione della legge sulla bioetica

Signore Senatrici e Signori Senatori. A breve sarete chiamati a finalizzare la revisione della legge sulla bioetica. I Falciatori Volontari di OGM, con questa lettera intendono segnalare alcuni aspetti etici legati alle modificazioni genetiche degli embrioni o legati agli esami genetici.

Non si tratta più, con questa revisione del testo di legge, di “rispettare i forti principi etici” come affermava M. Leonetti nel 2001, ma di “reinterrogare i principi della bioetica all’alba delle ultime evoluzioni scientifiche” stando alle parole dell’attuale relatore della legge, M. Touraine. Ecco ciò che rappresenta un capovolgimento totale alla lettura di questa nuova legge: adattare l’etica alle evoluzioni scientifiche- in pratica alle tecniche. Questo nuovo approccio della legge è sconsiderato rispetto ai rischi non gestibili in cui si può incappare, considerando anche i limiti delle nostre attuali conoscenze in materia di biologia e rispetto alle questioni filosofiche implicate. Abbiamo il dovere di rendervi partecipi.

Le ricerche sugli embrioni in esubero progettati in vitro e sulle cellule staminali pluripotenti che ne sono emerse, non sono più proibite dal 2013 sulla base del fatto che questi embrioni sono destinati ad essere distrutti e con la ragione che non rientrano nella convenzione di Oviedo e sfuggono all’articolo 16-4 del codice civile che è stato appena modificato. Le modificazioni genetiche su questi embrioni sovrannumerati e sulle cellule embriostaminali non sono più proibite nella legge del 2020. Questi embrioni non hanno discendenza, ma la nostra preoccupazione si basa su due punti. Da una parte le ricerche biomediche si portano attualmente avanti sugli embrioni destinati a essere reimpiantati nell’utero “per il bene del bambino a nascere”. Le modificazioni genetiche rimangono vietate, ma c’è di cui preoccuparsi quando si legge nel rapporto Touraine che è una questione di “selezionare gli embrioni che hanno le migliori capacità di sviluppo”, elemento che fa sorgere la problematica etica di una deriva eugenetica. In secondo luogo, come si legge nella valutazione d’impatto riguardante gli embrioni in esubero modificati geneticamente: “esiste un largo consenso internazionale che fa si che fa si che ci si aspetti quantomeno il conseguimento di un corpus solido di conoscenza riguardo alle modalità di utilizzo di queste tecniche, prima di considerare il trasferimento in utero di embrioni modificati in tale modo”. Lo scopo è trasferire le modificazioni genetiche alla progenie: in primis per ragioni mediche e terapeutiche che verranno inquadrate: modificare il gene di malattie genetiche laddove il DPI (diagnosi pre-impianto) è impossibile, guarire dalla sterilità. Ma poi? Denunciamo una deriva eugenetica e osserviamo come le manipolazioni sugli embrioni destinati ad essere distrutti preparino il campo alle manipolazioni sugli embrioni che saranno impiantati, cosa che è già stata fatta in Cina.

D’altronde, in qualità di Falciatori volontari, abbiamo a lungo lavorato alle nuove tecniche di modificazione genetica che sono chiamate “edizione” del genoma o modificazione “mirata” dei geni. Vi ricordiamo che l’ “edizione” del genoma non è definita nella legge e che è un’invenzione dell’industria delle biotecnologie che vuole minimizzare le conseguenze di tali manipolazioni sedicenti precise ma che generano in realtà numerosi effetti imprevisti. Lo strumento di bio ingegneria CRISPR/Cas 9 vantato come “calco genetico”, per citare il parametro di precisione, si è rivelato poco preciso in quanto spodestato dalle tecnologie successive. Il rapporto Touraine declina d’altronde questi rischi ma dice che saranno gestiti, cosa che rispetto alle conoscenze globali sul vivente sembra impossibile considerato quanto sia cangiante, complesso e legato alla sua lunga storia evolutiva che non sarà mai del tutto intellegibile. Modificheremo i bebè con queste conoscenze?

Con questa legge 2020 gli embrioni chimerici diventano autorizzati: si tratta di embrioni animali che hanno ricevuto delle cellule umane o animali a uno stadio precoce, sono embrioni composti che potranno essere reimpiantati nell’utero delle femmine. Così, sono già stati ottenuti animali che portano un organo umano. Nel 1927, la nozione di bioetica è stata creata, all’epoca si riferiva alle relazioni degli uomini con le altre specie nel rispetto degli uni e degli altri. Non possiamo che constatare un regresso: quale dignità ha e quale vita ha questo animale chimera aldilà della sua morte quando verrà utilizzato come oggetto di desiderio? Certo la zootecnica a partire da XIX secolo ci ha abituato a valutare gli animali come un oggetto ma noi possiamo indignarci.

Le ricerche sulle cellule staminali superpotenti derivate (iPS) pongono anche un problema di tipo etico. Queste cellule staminali di origine somatica sono riprogrammate in maniera genetica e/o epigenetica per diventare pluripotenti, ovvero per dare ogni sorta di tessuto compresi i gameti. Così, a partire da cellule che costituiscono il corpo della donna si potranno fare degli ovuli in grande quantità per le fecondazioni in vitro e dunque per le diagnosi reimpianto che eliminano gli embrioni “difettosi”… non possiamo non pensare alla deriva eugenetica che, in questo caso, aumenterebbe in base al numero di embrioni disponibili. Portando all’estremo: una donna potrà riprodursi da sola: si prevede la possibilità di poter trasformare una cellula iPS in spermatozoo e un uomo potrà riprodursi da solo (ovulo derivato da iPS) a condizione di trovare una madre surrogata. In questo modo si disegnano l’artificializzazione e il transumanesimo, cosa che preoccupa i falciatori volontari di OGM.

Infine, le prodezze tecniche legate alla numerazione dei dati fanno sì che la sequenza dei genomi e il genotipizzazione divengano possibili sugli individui di qualunque età e sugli embrioni. In Francia questi esami genetici per ora devono essere vagliati e approvati e sono solamente a scopo medico (nel caso di gravi malattie genetiche e cromosomiche) e possono sfociare in delle interruzioni mediche di gravidanza durante tutti i nove mesi. Ancora una volta si pone il problema etico: quando sappiamo che l’albinismo può rappresentare un fattore di scarto pensiamo “a quando un bebè su misura?”

Si fa strada un altro problema: alcuni test predittivi sono presentati su internet al grande pubblico da alcune imprese di biotecnologia, fuori dal contesto medico e dunque contro le leggi del nostro paese. Si propongono di ottenere delle informazioni sul genoma delle persone, il rischio di malattie. Dopo essere stati interdetti dalla FDA (Food and Drug Administration) per mancanza di affidabilità, hanno poi ottenuto un’autorizzazione. Abbiamo rilevato quanto sia debole la legge nell’ anticipare tale problema: assenza di accompagnamento medico e perdita di riservatezza.

In conclusione non possiamo accettare che considerazioni economiche e di concorrenza possano essere avanzate in una legge sulla bioetica: sono fuori soggetto.

L’etica in senso ampio -includendo tutto il vivente- è una riflessione che deve venira prima delle tecnologie avanzate e non l’inverso. Si fanno le manipolazioni genetiche perché sono possibili, ma farne le più possibili è davvero meglio? Effettivamente queste manipolazioni rivelano dei progressi della tecnica in ambito numerico e di biologia molecolare ma non nella scienza del vivente nel suo insieme.

Con questa legge la questione etica diventa accettabilità etica e la gestione dei rischi viene posticipata. La gestione dei rischi è tuttavia impossibile poiché non possono essere prese in considerazione tutte le componenti del vivente, che piaccia o meno a Cartesio che affermava “l’uomo deve essere padrone e possessore della Natura”.

Le questioni non vengono poste a monte. È sufficiente da un pusto di vista etico approcciare la questione del rischio? Pensiamo di no.

Le manipolazioni genetiche degli embrioni impiantati che in seguito a “consenso internazionale” saranno sicuramente inquadrati con “una soglia di sicurezza accettabile” ci fanno intravedere il peggio: un avvenire in cui i bambini saranno scelti come oggetti dai loro genitori. Questi rischiano di essere delusi visto che il vivente non si riduce al suo DNA, ma il peggio è che questo sarà stato pensato… così questa legge permette derive eugenetiche e transumaniste.

Si può fondare una società umana sulla costante trasgressione dei limiti etici da parte della tecnica?

Documento in Pdf:

Introduzione in francese:
Pdf della lettera in francese:

Sito internet Faucheur Volontaire d’OGM:

The Artificial Reproduction of the Human: the Road of Transhumanism

Transhumanism and techno-sciences

The transhumanist movement began in the USA, in Silicon Valley, in the late 1980s, but if we try to track down the origin of this ideology, we find ourselves in 1883, when the term eugenics was coined by Galton, or in 1957, when Huxley gave a speech where he used the word transhumanism to describe his transcendent belief in the human, and we end up with the cybernetic paradigm which arose during Second World War in the military sector. The cybernetic paradigm, the study of control of systems, living or not living, is based on the concept of information: if everything, from the living to the inorganic world, can be reduced to an exchange of information, then every barrier and every difference between the living and the non living, between the human and the machine. And the the subject will be reduced to a sum of information items, a programme which can be deciphered and thus modified like a machine. Finally, we get to the development of genetic engineering and synthetic biology. Craig Venter, founder of Celera Genomics, after having sequenced the human genome, launched the Minimal Genome Project. Why would a company spend time and money on such simple organisms, when others were already competing to sequence the genomes of frogs, rats and chimpanzees? Right from the outset of the Genome Project, Venter’s goal had not only been to read genes or edit their DNA, but to redesign them through synthetic biology.

The ultimate aim of these processes is always the human being, this was clearly expressed by the Singularity University in a recent conference on Exponential Medicine: “We can design embryos. We can edit genes in humans. We have synthetic biology. And so we really are looking at designing future humans.

Transhumanism is not a side effect, but the point of arrival of technological development, it is the ideology of the convergence between biotechnologies, nanotechnologies, information science and neurosciences.

Transhumanist ideology seeks to empower and implement the human through technology to achieve its biotechnological transformation: the post-human. Biology and even bodies are seen as constraints and limits to be overcome, reinforced, modified or eliminated. Before the desired biotechnological transformation or hybridisation with machines, what is being transformed is the ontological concept of human: we have never been human, we have always been cyborgs and hybrids. What is emerging is an anthropotechnical cyborg concept, where the human being is undetermined, and co-builds himself with technology, an indetermination which is technical hybridisation, where the very nature of human, his biological existence, is technological. A technical hybridisation which destroys the borders between subject and object, between nature and technique, between the living and the machine, so that everything, from nature around us to our very bodies, becomes an artefact.

Transhumanism is not a pipe dream of a few mad technology fans influenced by science fiction. It is the expression of ideas and the worldview of Silicon Valley, of philosophers, scientists and researchers. Natascha and Max Moore, Nick Bostrom, David Pearce, James J. Hughes, Hans Moravec, Ray Kurzweill, to mention only the best known names, are the founders of the world transhumanist association, now known as Humanity+, and they are founders, funders and managers of many foundations, institutes, start-ups, research projects and companies of worldwide importance, and are involved in the fields of research and development which are the techno-hubs on which the transhumanist project is based. They are consultants for fields like defence, security, biomedicine, all cutting-edge sectors of development and research, and they deeply influence the way researchers and governments develop converging sciences and make strategic decisions.

When the transhumanist world describes itself and its projects, it speaks of exponential sciences, designed to face the new and most serious challenges threatening the present, and calling for a new order. Without beating too much about the bush, it uses the best means that technology offers for its purposes, in order to concentrate a techno-power which can sweep away the past, abolishing everything it deems obsolete before such challenges. In this context, human beings, as they have been so far, become a useless frill.

We should not fall into the error of seeing transhumanism as the tendency of a few marginal researchers, of philosophers who confuse reality with their dreams. So let us avoid focusing on things that have not yet happened. If we speak of nanotechnologies, we should not concentrate on the risk of a Gray goo catastrophe, the unbridled replication of dwarf robots. In the same way, when we speak of transhumanism, it would be a mistake to focus on projects of cryopreservation of the brain or of uploading the brain to a computer: let us concentrate on what is actually going on now. The transhumanist ideology – overcoming limits, improving and empowering man, redesigning and artificialising the living – is no abstract speculation. It takes the shape of transgenic chimeras, military drones, new smart city devices, biomedical practise, medically assisted procreation (MAP) and genome editing. And it all takes shape in research centres, in giants like Google, IBM, Microsoft, in agribusiness, pharmaceutical and biotech corporations, and in the projects of techno-scientific and research labs.

The transhumanist ideology is penetrating and expanding a context where there is already a strong cult of “perfect” health and of top performance. It is working its way into a context where each life phase has been medicalised, from birth to death, from prenatal diagnosis to regenerative medicine. Transhumanist man is a totalitarian one-dimensional biomedicalised human being. The human being is seen as the error, and everything has to fit in with the criteria of ongoing perfectibility for constant adaptation to a machine world. Where limits are constantly overcome, and the human body is seen as one of these limits. A techno-scientific adaptability which will become the only possibility. We can now see how the cybernetic paradigm, according to which “the environment we live in has always been so radically modified that today we are forced to modify ourselves”, takes a material and dramatic shape.

If we think of exoskeletons for tetraplegics which can be also be used to increase the performance of soldiers, we can see how thin the line is separating healing from changing the human. Nobody will cut off healthy legs to put on prostheses to increase their performance, but the ideas of implementation, of continuous increase in power, of changing the body, are penetrating into people’s imagination to the point where they condition their desires.

Development of techno-sciences transforms the paradigms of thought through which one sees and interprets reality, hence transforming our relationship with our body, with the reality around us and our own actions. These transformations imply profound and irreversible consequences on everything living. They mean thinking of the body as a series of modules which can be taken apart, makes it available and modifiable. Only a world imagined on a nanotech scale can make tools able to move atoms: a tunnel-effect microscope is not a simple tool, it builds a world where matter is thought of, measured and then modified on a nanotech scale. In the same way as biotechnology delves into the deepest level of living beings, nanotechnology delves into the deepest levels of the structure of the world, bringing about a substantial change in meaning too. Whereas artefacts were formerly made starting from natural elements with all their limits, when one modifies matter on an atomic level, the same natural elements rebuild themselves and overcome these limits, taking on new features. The natural world thus becomes an artificial category, and molecular fabrication leads to a completely different idea of what is as a material limit, and nanotechnology allows one to enter into the very nature of matter.

Clearly, techno-sciences and the transhumanist ideology are not neutral. Not merely in their aims – whether they achieve them or not – but at the source, in their idea of redesigning and artificialising the living. In life sciences, a disaster takes place not only when the experiment achieves its goal; the disaster is implicit in the direction taken by the research. The experiment is not only within the walls of laboratories, the laboratory is the whole world, and bodies themselves become living laboratories.


Galton suggested a mild form of eugenics, a positive eugenics to “acknowledge the features of superior descent or races, and to favour them so that their offspring become more numerous”. By this principle, which would guide zootechnics, Galton was referring to the human, considering that the human, like other animals, could be tamed and selected.

Long before Nazi Germany, the USA, between 1905 and 1972, carried out an immense programme of forced sterilisation for the disabled, psychiatric patients, the blind, deaf, the prison population, the homeless, those suffering from leprosy, syphilis, tuberculosis. Hitler drew his inspiration from a famous American biologist, the promoter of such sterilisations, for his racial extermination programme.

A Nazi physiologist was the first to come up with the idea of enucleating an ovum to insert the nucleus of another ovum into it, inventing the concept of “carrier mother”.

From programmes of racial sterilisation on people deemed inferior and impure – defined as negative eugenics -, from the intention to improve the Aryan race – defined as positive eugenics -, we have today moved on to new “positive” eugenics: it is not the “improvement” of a race thought to be superior, but the “improvement” of the human being. And to improve human beings, one needs to eliminate their defects.

This will involve a large part of the world, but not all of course: those who live in the margins of the world in forgotten slums, or simply those who are excluded from economic and social status will become subhumans, hence bodies at the mercy of the markets or of geopolitical processes of which they ignore the nature. These bodies may serve as pools for spare parts, or as masses to be pushed about from one country to another for purposes of blackmail. Also those who refuse to bow to the logic of continuous increase in power with biomedical programmes and those who do not use artificial reproduction will add to this reserve pool of subhumans.

The idea of racial purity today has been replaced by that of “perfect” health and the fabrication of the “perfect” child. Eugenics thus puts on a new face, freely accepted, and refers to a new soft kind of power, no longer based on coercion, far from the violence of Nazi eugenics. In this context, it is normalised and rendered banal, while the new technologies of genetic engineering and their recombination in converging sciences make it more efficient and generalised. No longer part of a project of extermination, at least at present, but its ultimate aim of selecting the human species remains unchanged.

Eugenics is not a dark deviation: it is the very motor and direction of genetic research. It is no coincidence that the first project for decoding the human genome was called Read, but the second Write.

Eugenics has always been around, since the origin of artificial reproduction technologies, in their zootechnical development and in transfer to man. Already in the 1980s, R. Edward, who brought about the birth of Louise Brown, claimed that genetically improving the human species is possible and therefore legitimate. In 2018, the British bioethics committee1 declared that it was permissible to modify the DNA of an embryo genetically (hereditary genetic modifications) in order to influence the features of a future person.

In MAP, eugenics starts with in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), selection is needed during each phase of the process of artificial rep, and takes place on several levels: selection of the suppliers of gametes, selection of sperm, of ova and finally of the embryo. In the globalised supermarket of human reproduction, there flourishes a multi-billion dollar market of ova, sperm and embryo selection. The price of the ovum varies, depending on the features of the “donor”, who is actually a seller paid by the MAP clinics. Clinics which have huge egg banks which can be consulted on line, offering a carefully selected range of donors. An ovum of a white university student of course is worth more than any other, and everything is on sale in the reproduction market, with a wide range for every taste. The questions put to ovum donors on their personal questionnaires range from how sensitive they are to animals, what their religion is, whether they sleep with a stuffed animal and whether they like the police. Features which have nothing to do with the development of the embryo, but everything is on sale in the reproduction market, even illusions, expectations, hopes and lies.

Before implanting the embryo into the womb of the future mother who is recurring to MAP (or in that of the mother who has rented her womb), a preimplantation genetic diagnosis is carried out on a dozen embryos to choose the “best” one.

PGD follows the logic of eugenics perfectly: if we look at the progressive opening up of national laws in different European countries, we can see how they started with exceptions in order to avoid transmitting serious genetic diseases, with pathologies which were likely to arise, and finally moved on to such aesthetic matters as being cross-eyed2.

We are seeing progressive extension of PGD: in France, the previous law on bioethics (2004) extended its application from detection of an incurable illness in a parent, to detection of a serious illness, with a late outcome, in a direct ascendant, and this was a major step. Now, legalisation of “MAP for all”, laid down by the recent French bioethics law3, will not only involve single women or couples of women, but will open up the right to MAP techniques, including IVF, to anyone asking for them. This step will start with the plastic tube for insemination, and will end up with genetic selection of embryos, after having extended the artificial reproduction of the human to all. One must bear in mind that we are in a medicalised context where the waiting time for defining a woman with problems of infertility has been cut down from two years to six months, a context where maternity is increasingly postponed, with 35-37 year old women anxious not to be able to get pregnant any more, who after the six months set down by the law start out seeking artificial reproduction. After only three unsuccessful cycles of artificial insemination, the medicalising trend leads to in vitro fertilisation with intracytoplasmic injection of the spermatozoon.
In the United States, couples who do not suffer from fertility problems or the transmission of genetic pathologies can go to an assisted reproduction clinic with the sole purpose of carrying out an IVF, with selection of the embryos: they can also choose some features, such as the sex and the colour of the eyes.

The important change in French legislation and a look at other countries show us the global trend towards generalising artificial reproduction of the human.

Voluntary servitude

Eugenics does not have the face of a dictator, it is not imposed, it wears the guise of free choice. The democratic and progressive Left is already pushing it ahead with the rhetoric of prevention, health, access for everybody to technologies, freedom, self-determination and non-discrimination. Democratic and consensus-based eugenics.

Health issues are used as a lever to promote IVF and PGD and make them socially acceptable, This is actually a form of blackmail, bringing up possible genetic pathologies of the future child or a fertility rate which is constantly declining also due to pesticides, plastic derivatives, electromagnetic waves.

PGD is presented as necessary to prevent serious illnesses, while it is actually opening the gates to large-scale eugenics. From one genetic selection to the next, towards a made-to-order child, all of this masked with the best intentions. From couples with problems of infertility to fertile couples with problems related to transmissible genetic pathologies, step by step, MAP is being extended to all without any limit, using the rhetoric of non-discrimination, and of course allowing everybody to access it: the techno-scientific system presents itself as the spokesperson for equality.

The ‘right to have a child’ for people with organic sterility or due to chemical and industrial poisoning of the environment, for single women or same-sex couples is used today as a pretext for generalising artificial reproduction, and is put to the service of plans and processes of eugenicist and transhumanist scientists, becoming the new norm”.4

There are a mother who rents the uterus, a genetic mother who sells eggs and a client mother: the boundaries of the concept of mother are being expanded to make it indefinable and therefore completely meaningless. If all can be mothers, none is anymore.

With the “intentional mother”, the “intentional parents”, the “parental plan” and the “declaration of intent” the human being does not have a provenance, he is reduced to the eugenic assembly of egg and sperm for a narcissistic and selfish desire for a child at all costs of a consumer who in some countries can already manufacture it on demand according to his tastes, program it by choosing certain characteristics.

The Left ,and a large part of the LGBT*QIAAP movement, have adopted the values of the bio-market where everything, including the body, is a commodity, and they support rent-a-womb and MAP with the rhetoric of freedom and self-determination. However, artificial reproduction of the human is not really equality for minorities. What it actually is, is the submission of everybody to the techno-scientific system, and “MAP for all” is not a slogan of emancipation, it is the future to which we may be condemned. Reproductive freedom cannot come to us through laboratory rooms. Like every living being which comes out of those rooms engineered and redesigned, what would come out would be something else. We are born, not fabricated, and we are born from women.

MAP: the road of transhumanism

Artificial reproduction is based on breaking down and fragmenting the reproductive process. This fragmentation implies taking an ovum from one woman and implanting it into another, as if it were something interchangeable, and putting into the hands of technicians a part of the reproductive process, which no longer happens inside the body of the woman, but in a microscope slide and a test tube. The moment of fertilisation becomes a technical operations in a laboratory, and “reproduction becomes production of the living, with all the instrumentalisation that this implies”.5 In the logic of artificial reproduction, man and woman are reduced to mere suppliers of gametes, which can be selected, manipulated, replaced. Just as the man and woman can be replaced, and hence eliminated, if we think of the quest for artificial wombs. The embryo becomes a “product”, and a “product” can be submitted to every kind of experimentation, and must be free of any defect, the best possible.

MAP represents the Trojan horse of transhumanism, because it opens up the path to the possibility of artificial reproduction, for everybody, and the logical consequence of this will be the constant improvement of the “product”.

Transhumanist projects start out from research centres on animal cloning, with the aim of replacing natural evolution with artificial evolution. In the age of technical reproducibility of the human being, humans become a commodity right from birth, a product of the corporation of life and of genetic engineering, just a eugenic assembly and genetic code, to be modified and redesigned.

We do not yet have genetically modified children, but in China, the threshold of babies being edited has been passed, and there is no turning back from such a threshold. In the meantime, the idea is being spread that it is preferable to hand procreation over to technicians and technology, that the future daughter should have a genetic legacy better than the one her own gametes can provide her with.

As far back as 2016, when a group of Swedish researchers of the Karolinska Institute of Stockholm had modified the genome of healthy human embryos, sectors of the research announced that the purpose of editing will be preventing a specific genetic illness from being hereditary. At a later time, one may also go further. […] There is no reason of principle to reject this. The technique of genome editing is not immoral in itself, actually it has the potential for becoming an alternative strategy available to parents to achieve a wider range of objectives.

A fundamental step in this direction was the declaration, in 2018, by the British Bioethics Committee6, where it stated that The use of heritable genome editing interventions would only be ethically acceptable.

The message is clear: there is no valid ethical reason to rule out, in a not too distant future, the hypothesis that the genetic code of the human being may be modified. The way to this too is obvious: free rein to research, the green light form the various bioethics and safety committees and bodies, legislation on this and application to human. The step to the human being was clear from the outside, right from when they were torturing Dolly.

Experimental zootechnical laboratory

With the new CRISPR/CAS 9 genetic engineering technology, genome correction – genome editing – has become possible. This technology was developed to modify vegetables, domestic and laboratory animals, for gene therapies, with special attention to the potential use in modifying the human germ line.

It is no coincidence that the researcher who in France brought about the birth of the first test-tube baby had worked before in zootechnics, to increase milk production by cows. The history of zootechnics should teach us something. Techniques of artificial insemination, hormone manipulation of the ovulation cycle, embryo technique, cryopreservation of embryos and spermatozoa were developed to make animals functional in terms of raising and experimentation, ensuring they had certain features. Eugenics technologies then continued the process of turning animals into tools of production, into products, into test models: the animal body became an interchangeable model of species. Zootechnics, a true applied science, aimed at adapting ‘income-producing’ animals to the modern mass production system 7, has become an immense experimental laboratory, and the most important acquisitions in transgenesis and cloning come from there.

Propaganda for genome editing has already begun

Since one can already select an embryo thanks to better screening, and choose other features such as sex or eye colour, if it were possible to engineer it and add genes to “improve” it, why not do so? And why not allow everybody access to this? It would be discriminatory if only carriers of genetic pathologies were allowed to choose or even genetically modify the embryo! From MAP for everybody, the cry would come for editing for everybody! For equality between the health and the ill, between homosexuals and heterosexuals, between men and women! And with the blackmail of discrimination, anyone criticising – along with rent-a-womb and MAP – the genetic modification of embryos would be accused of being a reactionary.

What criteria will be used to establish which illness, or alleged illness, falls within the cases laid down for genetic editing? How wide would the medicalising spectrum become, which sees moods or mere disorders as if they were illnesses to be subjected to pharmaceutical and genetic attention? The starting point will be serious pathologies, but if these technologies permit something more, will they really remain limited to these? The propaganda with its rhetoric of discrimination and equality will open the gates to engineering for everybody. Touching the topic of genetics with intrusion into the germ line, where will the line between therapeutic genetics and “improvement” be drawn? At first, the line will be the financial condition: “improvements” will go to those who can afford them, but this will not lead to biological class struggle – these technologies will quickly become available. The question will no longer be the difference between therapy and improvement of the human genome, because improvement will be a given.
If an increasing number of people recur to MAP, and then later to genome editing, it will be hard, if not impossible, to refuse it: social pressure will be too powerful.
Social consensus and acceptance are essential for all the developments of techno-sciences to move forward. Consensus is always built around promises, desires, fears, risks for health and safety. This propaganda has already begun: the transhumanist researcher Giuseppe Testa, in a lecture on genome editing, describes the greatest study on the architecture of human intelligence, where 78,000 individuals were compared to each other and where, according to researchers, some thirty to forty genes, according to their variety, might contribute to intelligence: Are they saying that those who have them will be cleverer? No, but they might add an extra touch. We do so many things, and we have our children do so many things without being certain of what we are doing, it is a chance, they are options on the playing table, shall we play this card too? Maybe you can change all forty of those variants spending five thousand more euros, does that ensure you the child will be more intelligent? No, but even sending the kid to an elite school will not do so, and if you are rich, maybe you can do both”.


A change is taking place,so profound that it has the features of a metamorphosis. Metamorphosis is something profoundly different from change. During a change, some things change but others can stay the same, whereas metamorphosis is a total and radical transformation which affects everything that makes up the human being and everything living. This metamorphosis, once complete,will be irreversible.
What is happening is an anthropological metamorphosis of the human being. In the machine world which is being built, the individual will be increasingly adapted – a machine-human for a machine-world. The techno-scientific system needs a man who is as adaptable and malleable as possible: this is why its aim is to destroy identity, values, points of reference, memories of the past, solid ties among communities and families ties. A neutral individual for a new anthropological model, an individual without identity, memory, values, solidarity bonds between communities and family solidarity bonds, is an empty, fragile individual, with no outlook, no past and no future, only an eternal present, who can easily be filled with desires and needs perfectly aligned with the bio-market and transhumanism.

A never-ending quest for self-perfection, for new performance of any kind, which can never run out or end: new needs will be ceaselessly created and products or processes to respond to them will always be made available. When the body itself becomes a commodity, everything changes, because the fetish of chosen freedom turns into being chosen, everything starts with the individual who can bask his new cage of exploitation and self-exploitation. The logic of performance is not based on duty and imposition, but on self-constraint, which works better than constraint from the outside, and on the power of the individual who becomes his own entrepreneur.

The body itself, in its material reality, becomes fluid, undifferentiated, protean, porous, limitless, malleable and infinitely manipulatable. Freeing oneself from one’s body is the apotheosis of transhumanism.

Let us, instead, clearly preserve the line separating the organic from the inorganic, electronic circuits from nervous systems, life from death, nature from artifice. Life cannot be fabricated, Craig Venter’s synthetic bacteria were not fabricated out of nothing. The living is born, escapes, throbs, slips, moves, and will never be entirely controllable. The living, and hence bodies, the body, represents the obstacle to the absolute dominion by technique. Let us start from the unavailability of bodies and of the living.

The time to fight is now
When the irreversible disasters of the children of editing will manifest themselves, will we be able to recognise them for what they represent? There will not only be tragedies tied to the health of individuals, but true disasters which will strike society as a whole, because they will transform the world around us.
When people will grant the techno-scientific system not only the management of their health, but total management of every area of their lives, of their body and of procreation, it will be hard to make a critique which will not be considered mad, because we will be finding ourselves fighting what is perceived and lived as the normal. From the moment when techno-scientific development becomes possible, a practice becomes acceptable simply because it is feasible: what was unthinkable and unacceptable before gradually becomes normal.

The techno-scientific paradigm calls for the possibility of replacing or artificially rebuilding the raw material which the system takes from our bodies, from the bodies of other animals and from whole natural ecosystems which it needs all the time. An artificialisation to deal with the limitedness and destruction of the living. However, the synthetic era does not only imply radical redesigning of the world around us, it also means a dramatic redesigning of ourselves. The human being is the ultimate aim of the cybernetic and transhumanist project.

The commodified human becomes the human commodity. The human being in the age of its technical reproducibility is born as a commodity already produced by the life and genetic engineering industry. No longer commodifiable, because a commodity itself right from birth.

To develop an opposition, we need first of all to recognise a commodity; but how to do so, how to recognise a technical invasion of bodies, a genetic manipulation, when these already inform life from its very first moments? A new norm which will make normal what is farthest from life, from its indeterminations, limits, unexpected.

If we are to be born in a machine world, if nature will become artificialised and engineered, the necessary bases even to understand the possibility of another world will be lost. The transhumanist Bostrom says: “Among the most important potential developments are ones that would enable us to alter our biology directly through technological means. Such interventions could affect us more profoundly than modification of beliefs, habits, culture, and education”.8

If we want our actions to affect the present, we need to identify priorities, feeling deep inside the urgency to act. But in order to act, we need to have a careful and clear understanding of reality around us. We need to understand the transformations taking place around us, to get a glimpse of the directions where power is heading even before they are totally fulfilled. We need to ask where these directions are concentrating and what they are aiming at. An analysis of the present with an eye on a future which is coming closer and closer are essential if we want to understand the path we need to take. If we do not face the system now, on its own terrain, we will soon be suddenly awoken, as we face the harsh reality of a future, which we thought far away, but has actually turned into being the present. Now is the time we must start fighting these processes.

March 2020
Silvia Guerini, Resistenze al nanomondo

1 Nuffield Council on Bioethics, in the document Genome editing and human reproduction: social and ethical issues,
2 In 2007, the British authority for ART authorised recourse to PGD to avoid the birth of a cross-eyed child.
3Guerini Silvia, Considerazioni intorno alla nuova legge francese di bioetica,,
Pièces et main d’œuvre, Alertez les bébés ! Objections aux progrès de l’eugénisme et de l’artificialisation de l’espèce humaine,
5Collins Françoise, La fabrication des humains, Persée, 1987
6 Nuffield Council on Bioethics, in the document Genome editing and human reproduction: social and ethicalissues,
7 Pivetti Cristiana, Dall’addomesticamento alla manipolazione e riproduzione dei corpi animali,in Meccanici i miei occhi, nati in laboratorio, dall’utero in affitto alla manipolazione genetica, Ortica edizioni, 2019.
8 N. Bostrom, The Future of Humanity, in New Waves in Philosophy of Technology, ed. J.B. Olsen & E. Selinger,

Published in 325 magazine:,

Cybernetic society and its word

The deepest technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it” Mark Weiser, computer scientist.

Developments in the technosciences NBIC: Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information technology, Cognitive science) have been progressively invading every space and life itself for several years, initially rather slowly, and in current times of emergency, with increasing speed. They are advancing less like a large monolith and more like an expanding fluid mass – a term dear to the Italian Rainbow left. By definition, it is prone to change while maintaining its democratic nature, which, to some extent, is also characterized by the assurances and demands that were meant to protect human being as we’ve known them thus far but have failed in their purpose.

If, in their work to destroy nature, humans have always considered themselves alien to the process of destruction, this has been impossible to do in the new artificial environment now called smart. The new paradigm taking shape does not have an inside or an outside but forms a single world: the individual is necessarily transformed, or rather, manipulated, and there is no going back. But just as life is not born but engineered in the schlop of synthetic biology labs, nature persists regardless of all the manipulation and degradation imposed on it, taking back unexpected spaces.

The current changes underway are unprecedented in their capacity for remodulation and in the manipulative power they use to transform reality. Things that are unprecedented cannot be interpreted using existing concepts and tools which don’t allow for an analysis of the subject and of means of transformation itself, its consequences and new characteristics.

It is important to have an in-depth understanding the transformations underway and to grasp their meaning before they fully manifest themselves. Everything that resists and doesn’t succumb to the process of transformation is destined to be forgotten and there is no way back. Just as a new industrial monoculture destroys biodiversity and gives us fruit made from terminator seeds that are recreated each time by the same system that makes us continually dependent both spiritually and materially, today’s digital monocultures want to colonise the world and sanitise every critical thought and struggle, eroding the very concept of freedom.

We must choose: freedom or comfort. For a long time, the imagery of the gadget as being more efficient than humans no longer shocks citizens. Children born in front tvs and now with smartphones in their hands, no longer have a basis for comparison with other ways of living. It is entirely natural for them to talk to their “conversational agents” and their “virtual butlers” and they bow down to an artificial intelligence which they believe is at their service. It is a crime to have given young human beings these artificial devices that allow dominant models to spread at the speed of light, models that are constantly outsmarted, and work to humiliate whoever fails to conform because childhood and adolescence are the privileged terrain of mimetic rivalries […] Little humans don’t know what free time is, or the wanderings of the spirit and the sensitive discovery of the world. They are constantly excited and demeaned by the spiral of stimuli – images, sounds, fabricated desires – how can they learn to take charge of their lives and thought?1.

From the concept of information to the smart city: the rise of cybernetic society

The smart city scattered with sensors and CCTV cameras is an open-air experiment in social engineering in which experts from large corporations like IBM, Google and Facebook manage all the data. The rationalisation of space, time and of people and their behaviour in which the ultimate objective is to automate humans. The cybernetic vision is fulfilled in its entirety: the measurement of every sphere of our lives and its analysis, management, and control through algorithms in which every dimension and process is digitalised, transformed into data to be analysed, worked, broken down, reassembled, cross-referenced and used to make predictions. A way to mould the world, society, and relations, a shape based on a very clear vision of the world and of living beings.

A cybernetic vision is being formed.

From Saint-Simon’s utopic vision of the development of cars as the route to freedom, to Condorcet’s vision of coordinated and planned management using the new tool of statistics; the orderly and optimal management of the world through the rationalising power of Comte’s technique; from urban planning based on the idea of calculating the distribution of space by enumerating the population and last but not least, Wiener’s cybernetic vision which presents society and every living being and their environment as a computer system – all had been impossible to fulfil in the past but today are made possible by the convergence of the tecnosciences, Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of things.

Every space, event and behaviour, as well as living being, become computerised as we witness the “liquification of the physical world”, as stated in an IBM document.

The seemingly abstract concept of information takes on a harmful consistency and reveals its true project: to predict all present and future events and transform individuals into information and into automated beings that are hardwired for the machine-world. If we think back to Hollerith’s machine in 1888, with its punched holes that allowed for the codification of individual characteristics and for information to be quickly recorded and catalogued in real-time. The machine was used for the US Census and helped rationalise nazi extermination camps. Its inventor, who set up the company that later became IBM states: “The effective justification for the collection of large amounts of data lies in the ability to draw conclusions […] and to ensure that predictions of present and future events can be confidently made”.

In 1945 during the second world war, a military system was developed that could perform calculations on a probabilistic basis, gathering information from radars on the trajectory and at the speed of planes, integrating it with meteorological information to identify the best moment to launch missiles. The concept of “effective calculability” became crucial to make predictions and decisions in real-time; from then on, computing, through the development of cybernetics, was about calculating the best action to take.

With Wiener, cybernetics became the new Leibnizian mathesis universalis, a unified, biological and computational knowledge of biological systems or phenomena and structures that were social and of living beings. A quantification and unification of complex systems in which the subject itself is reduced to a sum of information and to a programme that can be deciphered and therefore modified like machines and can perhaps one day be directly managed by them.

“To live effectively is to live with adequate information. Thus, communication and control belong to the essence of man’s inner life, even as they belong to his life in society.”2. Norbert Wiener

The algorithmic accompaniment of existence

We are faced with technological developments that lead to a specific model of existence based on the constant presence of algorithms. Silicon Valley are not the only ones intent on developing Artificial Intelligence, as evident in their name which references silicon, a chemical semiconductor essential for the production of electronic components. They were also the first to understand and predict that existence would soon be characterised by algorithms in every sphere of existence. With the Internet of Things and developments in AI, all spheres of our existence become digitalised for the purposes of automating the whole of society as well as life itself. A key assumption here is the transhumanist principle of the inadequacy, inaccuracy and fallibility of humans as well as the judgements and decisions they make. The human component must make room for algorithmic management. It is neutralised like in cars with automatic pilot features, which aptly represent the ultimate objective of Artificial Intelligence: to steer us, risk free, towards a new world.

In general, these new processes are only analysed through the lens of profit and economics and in order to understand them in greater depth, we must go further. The consequences of these processes lie in the transformation of our relations, emotions, our intimacy and a changed relationship with ourselves, with others and with the world around us. Technological developments assign power the task of entirely managing life of all aspects of our existence, in every circumstance. Here, management will no longer be in the hands of the State but rather lie with whomever has the power of data. A cybernetic society can only be managed by technicians: an agricultural worker will no longer have the skills or the ability to autonomously manage his fields which, by now, will, be full of sensors and require the use of the company tablet. In this era, data become the main resource and those who own it also hold power over our lives.

In order to describe this process, the immaterial language of systems is used, in which abstraction cancels out the incarnate nature of data. The act of becoming data necessarily leads to being processed in the technological terminal. This is a feature that is required by a society, not of free individuals, but rather, of hard-working and unaware robots who, paradoxically, are voluntarily employed in the functioning and nourishment of the machine itself.

Individuals and experience become the very raw material that will be transformed into data through constant monitoring, including of single actions, gasps, imperceptible movements and looks, to the remotest of emotions.

The human body becomes a computational space in which steps, beats, sleep rhythms and the very depths of intimacy are probed and captured. Capter which means “sensor” in French reflects this quite well. Readily available data is not the only thing that gets extracted. Data is extracted and produced not simply to promote personalised commercial products but also for analysis using AI algorithms in order to predict, influence, modify, affect and shape behaviour. The result is not to shape our actions entirely, but to affect us through a more subtle form of conditioning that is sometimes imperceptible, but constant, pervasive and totalising. An integrated system in which we ourselves become the flow of data for the production of other data and serve to continually nourish and be nourished by Artificial Intelligence, allowing it to evolve and improve.

The aim of Skinner’s experiments on operant conditioning carried out on rats and pigeons, was to try and engineer behaviour: the modification of behaviour through a technological system that was to be extended to the whole of humanity. In 1947, he wrote:It is not a matter of bringing the world into the laboratory, but of extending the practcies of an experimental science to the world at large”. In his book “Beyond freedom and Dignity” we read: “we need to make vast changes in human behaviour, and we cannot make them with the help of nothing more than physics or biology […] what we need is a technology of behaviour […] comparable in power and precision to physical and biological technology.” Skinner’s experiments and his rat labyrinths had led to the rise of a technology of human behaviour which emerge in the objectives of Silicon Valley: “Conditioning at scale is essential to the new science of massively engineered human behaviour”.

Just as Amazon’s algorithms guide people in their shopping, the life of individuals in the times of the smart city is deprived of autonomy and freedom in a subtle way but, more importantly, as part of a process that is desired and proclaimed by individuals themselves. This tendency and profound influence in every day reality and in our lives is almost imperceptible and becomes the norm. Artificial Intelligence, far from being a form of intelligence – considering it is in no way comparable to the intelligence of a living being – is a methodology of rationality which will become almost impossible to avoid. Who better than an algorithm that knows all our habits will be able to guide us in our choices?

Unfortunately, the idea that systems will be able to analyse a situation and calculate the best action to take at any given moment, will take hold. Every manifestation of reality will be subject to processing through an algorithm. The new and gentle form of power taking shape does not have a façade of coercion or imposition, but rather, of free choice. It creates a context in which people will be constantly enveloped in algorithms that will meet their needs, desires, necessities and fears, guiding them along a programmed path.

The devices follow individuals in their daily lives with a whispered proximity in which machines take care of themselves.

A digital closeness without bumps and shocks, that only shows the individual – the mere user – the things he or she likes. Cybernetic society is the society of the positive in which everything must be levelled and transparent.

Our greatest ambition is to transform the experience offered by Google to make it wonderfully simple, almost automatic in its understanding of what you want and in offering it to you instantly”. Larry Page, founder of Google, CEO of Alphabet.

In our interactions with devices, many actions are automatic, while others require us to briefly stop and think in order to make even the smallest decision. Amazon’s Dash Button allows people to make purchases and payments, keeping all mediation to a minimum, even if this means simply making a purchase order. The aim is precisely to eliminate every trace of thought and conscious decision-making. Actions are substituted with operations in which indulging and lingering are seen as a hindrance and only slow you down. As actions become operations, they become transparent and subject to measurement and control while decision-making is substituted by the individualised automation of the management of needs.

There are other effects alongside the material consequences of tight and alienating Amazon rhythms such as the increase in tumours and miscarriages among the factory workers producing Gallium arsenide for LEDs, the pollution of water tables and the environment as a result of toxic substances, the exploitation of populations in the global south for the extraction of rare minerals and the destruction of the environment and biodiversity.

The seemingly banal act of clicking on the Amazon Dash Button and all the applications that will take hold everywhere, will lead to the annihilation and automation of thought which will affect the way of living in the world via products that are automatically purchased when the smartphone tells us they are about to run out. This will extend to a way of living in the world.

When life is constantly subject to measurement

We will soon be immersed in an environment full of sensors which will analyse all our data and those produced by the devices in our surroundings. Our actions, words, and emotions will be interpreted to tell us, for example, what our health is like and what medication to take, if needed. In 2017, Google made ten thousand volunteers in its biotechnology sector wear sensors for four years to monitor their health and used indicators to predict the likelihood of disease. A predictive function that leads to a therapeutic solution. Some steps that appear merely incentivising, such as the discounts you get on insurance and health services in the UK and the US following the purchase of an Apple Watch, are integrated within a larger, complex and invisible architecture.

Apple’s HealthKit platform or Google Fit, wearable devices like the Apple Watch or simpler pedometer bracelets, all use their applications and advice to assign workouts and the use of a certainsubstance representing a process of continual self-measurement: individual performance is constantly monitored to ensure it can be optimised and boosted. A life that is constantly subject to measurement. The body becomes an object of continual performance and self-optimisation which is perfectly integrated into a neo-liberal logic in which we become our own entrepreneurs.

The processes of growth and strengthening which characterise exponential technologies become key tecno-ontological principles and it is through the technosciences that individuals can and must free themselves from their bodily condition to fulfil desires that can never definitively met: deeply transhumanist principles.

Google Glasses bring together computing, communication, photography, GPS technology, data collection, and audio and video recordings, into a device that can be worn as a pair of glasses and allows each person to send and share anything they are seeing online and in real-time.

The human eye has become a CCTV camera where to see is to surveil and where everyone both sees and can be seen.

As a forerunner to the other wearable devices, the decision to start with an object as familiar as glasses aimed at encourage people to wear devices. Google glasses did not take off and the company changed its strategy to make people in certain productive sectors wear them, using the justification that they increased productivity and efficiency. The aim is clear: to enter the workplace and create addiction, acceptance, normalisation, and then enter day to day life.

Similarly to our lives, the offline world in which we live is full or information that is online. Google Glasses would have closed this gap. It is not a coincidence that in 2013 Google and Facebook bought an Israel-based social-mapping start-up at the forefront of the generation of real-time information, based on people’s contribution. This gave Google a start-up of satellite images in real-time and allowed it to develop a new frontier of sensors and cameras through which individuals could map and navigate within closed spaces. Positioning systems beyond the smartphone allow individuals to be localised and constantly tracked, not only when they are connected to the internet but also in the real offline world.

The boundaries between online and offline become thinnerto the point where they mix and flow into a continual connection. We have gone beyond mere identification and an expert from the sector takes the following view: “New images can only describe what is on your desk. With a similar frequency we can get closer to what is called the “analysis of life patterns” and observe actions in terms of movement and not mere identifications”.

The Artificial Intelligence of emotions

The development of systems to support decision-making within companies began in the 90s. Their refinement was made possible by the growth in analytical and computational capacity and the evolution of algorithms and microprocessors to the point that IBM gave up on its computer assembly sector to work on strengthening its systems for decision-making support through what is defined as “cognitive” software for the analysis of Big Data. The software is based on deep learning and machine learning: the deep and automatic learning of Artificial Intelligence as so-called neural networks, which, put simply, work in layers to analyse and produce layers of information and is used, for example, by companies to select successful candidates, by banks for loan requests, by insurance companies and in the medical world.

In order to get insurance for your car or at work, you have to be classed as responsible: here’s where IBM came in with the Watson Personality Service to define suitable and reliable personality profiles.

The new frontier will be the Artificial Intelligence of emotions, the affective computing of projects like SEWA who develop Emotional interpretation software that searches for actions and imperceptible facial movements like the bat of an eyelid. Emotions open up an infinite hunting ground and a form of consumption, in which emotions are consumed as if they were goods and are always chasing after something new that never definitely arrives, disposable emotion-goods with short expiry dates for hedonistic atoms.

Emotions in the digital society pursue fleeting moments and serial events in a rhapsody of pleasures that is syncopated and disconnected to every form of projectuality. We are faced with emotional responses rather than emotions, deprived of all vitality and passion, which serve to maintain an emotional state of fear or anxiety only to then be transmitted and managed as required.

IBM’s Watson programme targets the health sector and aims to bring about a radical transformation in the way diagnoses and treatment are made and administered. The programme is seen as being able to make diagnoses such as skin cancer more accurately than a human doctor. This requires the comparison of a large amount of data and it comes as no surprise that the company that built the state-of-the-art technological pole in Milan on the old Expo site requested and obtained all of the health data from Italy’s Lombardy region.

This evolution in Artificial Intelligence is reflected in an increase in automation within a context where actions will be carried out by systems rather than humans and through analysis and solutions that relegate humans to mere agents. The system’s interface makes the decisions. The invisibility and hyper-complexity of the processes of analysis and decision-making neutralise the possibility of conscious action and lead responsibilities break down.

Surrounded by the words of systems

From the use of a keyboard in front of a screen, to a smartphone’s touchscreen, we come to the vocal interface that will open up a form of interrelation that is even more personalised and communication will soon become intimate in its nature. We are surrounded by the words of systems as interfaces no longer lie between us and systems, but rather, between us and an effigy of the human form. The physical and digital world overlap through the process of technology’s naturalisation which is made invisible in a world of communicating objects.

When describing the vocal assistant Alexa, Amazon’s vice-president states: “our aim is to create a kind of ecosystem for Alexa, that is open and neutral […] and to make it as pervasive as possible”. The vocal assistant’s predecessors had been in a development phase for 10 years as part of an Artificial Intelligence project in the United States. The project aimed to develop a computer that could engage in conversation and was designed to help the military on the field manage data and make predictions that were effective and would allow them to act autonomously.

The most profound invasion of the lives of human beings is underway thanks to the algorithms that accompany our daily lives with the promise of a less stressful and more functional existence. The fluid, warm, spontaneous and female voice that adapts to our humour and our personality naturalises the digital system which dissolves into a voice that acts as an intermediary between our lives and the world. A voice we confide in and with whom we can be intimate. In the words of Microsoft’s digital assistant, Cortana: I know so much about you. I can help you in ways you don’t quite expect. I can see patterns that you can’t see”.

The luxuries of a given class or generation become the needs of the successive one as they are considered necessities and more importantly, have been made accessible to all. This process has been fundamental in the evolution of capitalism. Everyone will want a digital assistant and constant monitoring will become the reality. In this context, computers, sensors and all systems, will disappear in the background and the real world will become a single apparatus that is universally connected. “The Internet will disappear. There will be so many IP addresses […] so many devices, sensors, things that you are wearing, things that you are interacting with, that you won’t even sense it. It will be part of your presence all the time. Imagine you walk into a room, and the room is dynamicEric Schmit, former executive chairman of Alphabet.

The gentle form of power

Control itself is transformed: an influence exerted through a constant relationship – one that avoids excesses and the distress and intrusive nature of an Orwellian world. At the same time, it is careful not to be too absent in order to avoid breaking ties and dependency. We are no longer faced with a simple question of surveillance or of our much-loved privacy being violated, but rather, of our behaviour being influenced and ensuring that, through a technical structure, good organisation can prevail and things can function as intended – both at the microscopic and macroscopic level – or rather, according to programmed paths.

Surveillance and control, as we understand them, lead to the detention, exclusion or isolation of all individuals who, in some way, deviate from the established order or violate and rebel against the rules. The new automated management of behaviour, while maintaining this repressive structure, has universalised the principle of internalising all these norms. So much so that, similarly to the electric fencing surrounding certain fields, all those in the herd who inadvertently or voluntarily dare to go beyond the fence get electrocuted. But nothing more than this happens as the structure of the matrix alone is enough to contain any from of divergence.

The new gentle power does not need to use duress, its reassurances are sufficient. In order to become widespread, all it needs is to meet our demands and to know every aspect of our lives. The new form of gentle power creeps into our lives, our perceptions and our relationship with our bodies, with others and with the world around us. Invisibility and pervasiveness lead to its normalisation. People will be drawn to a world in which everything is structured according to their needs, with prediction and certainty and the unforeseen element is eliminated with automated regularity. The certainty produced by machines is the solution to fear and social uncertainty.

The idea that you can exercises more power than that which states you must: no constrictions, only inner needs asserted by individuals themselves. We know very well how self-exploitation and self-entrepreneurship are more effective because they are couched in terms of freedom and self-determination. The new form of power is more subtle and does not take hold of individuals directly but builds a system around them that can act autonomously. This leads individuals to reproduce an element of dominion within themselves, internalising, desiring and claiming it as their freedom. In this sense, freedom and subjugation coincide.

Bentham’s panopticon continuously watched prisoners but it didn’t have access to the deepest parts of an individual. In contrast, whoever will set our algorithmic future will not only have access to our internal life but also influence and establish meaning itself – initially, of the world and subsequently, of human beings themselves.

In Bentham’s panopticon, individuals were aware of their imprisonment whereas people in the digital panopticon live under the illusion of freedom. They freely and actively take part in their own monitoring and surveillance and in that of others: “Today yet another paradigm shift is taking place. The digital panopticon is not a disciplinary biopolitical society, but a society of psychopolitical transparency”3.

In digital society the voluntary display of oneself leads to our systematic dispossession, a process of vetrinization. It is not simply about putting yourself on display, which implies you can keep things hidden, but about total transparency. Everything is exposed. A narcissistic exhibition of the selfie generation.

Today, surveillance does not happen like an attack that denies or restricts freedoms. Freedom is exploited until it becomes control and they both become equivalent. So much so that free choice is the freedom to choose between the only options offered by power.

The coercive model is not entirely functional to a form of power that wants to invade every sphere of our existence and to mould individuals to the point where it becomes invisible and turns into a free choice wherever a behaviour, way of life, relation and way of interpreting and understanding the world are perceived as being free choices, “engineers of the human soul”4.

The efficiency of this form of power does not come from banning and depriving but from making concessions and satisfying. The production of docile and dependent bodies. People’s desires are not repressed but channelled into a specific vision of the world. The panopticon was based on the deception of permanent control and at its centre was the perspective of the central tower’s vision and the omnipotence of the dystopian gaze in which prisoners did not know whether they were being watched or not at a given moment. In the digital panopticon the gaze lacks perspective and the distinction between the centre and the margins fades. Surveillance is widespread, permanent and, unlike Bentham’s panopticon, it has a memory.

Gentle power dissolves until it becomes imperceptible in its absence, in habit, in normality. Power that operates through habit is more effective and long-lasting than when it acts through oppression. This worldview invades and becomes a part of the plot of daily life, along with our perceptions and our bodies. It becomes normalised and is then freed by daily life itself which becomes its bearer. Gentle power acts and develops along a “horizon of meaning”,5only to consolidate itself effectively into a single perspective and prevent the emergence of something different. This process “sets itself apart from the violence that acts nakedly, precisely because it has been stripped of meaning”6.

Metamorphosis of the State

Within the global framework where the struggle for technological leadership is taking place, the State and its large oligopolies are forced to mediate and find a common strategy. Although there are frictions, they never truly emerge. An agreement is always made and technological innovation unites everyone behind a chorus of unanimous consent. This also applies to the appropriation of raw materials required for the development of Artificial Intelligence: the generation of data on individual consumption, behaviour, on states of health, on the functioning of new urban systems and on the transformation of geographic territories, on epidemiological dynamics and the climate…The state has fully adopted the principle that everything is information – a concept very dear to Silicon Valley and its followers – or perhaps it is the principle itself that has completely changed the meaning of power.

As individuals themselves become the raw material for digital development, the appropriation of data becomes the primary mechanism of power, turning into an essential need that sets the course of all techno-scientific politics and going well beyond the market’s simple control over individuals.

Single States are increasingly becoming digital colonies in the hands of international finance, international organisations and large agricultural-bionanotechnological-pharmaceutical corporations and of Big data. They become platforms that link people and private infrastructure to allow cybernetic society to function more fluidly.

Everything that had previously been part of the traditional administrative sphere, the public sector, has now moved towards an economic sphere that is characterised by a series of novel attributes. In this sense, the digital transformation of administrations should be seen alongside the development of the platform State and the move towards a new status for people.Individuals who until recently had been tied down by rights and duties within a common structure become users with the right to benefit from the best offers, just like consumers. This is in line with a spirit that comes from a commercial logic and prior to that, from having adapted to the logic of satisfaction.

Recently, politics has been reduced to concept of satisfying people. This is a crucial step in their transformation into docile and obedient patients. Within the new infrastructure, States are only called upon to devise mechanisms for the systematic extraction of data to be used in production in the traditional sense of the term, and more importantly, in scientific research, where the theories on how to build new societies is formed.

The new phenomenon that already exists is based on constant algorithmic monitoring and is not encompassed in the idea of the State exercising control. The state might be called upon to regulate data extraction processes, although not for much longer. It cannot however, under any circumstances, afford to halt the development of the digital world, as Artificial Intelligence in its collective development promises to organise every single thing, to generate wellbeing and offer people anything they have the right to expect, in this sense, achieving the perfect synthesis between neoliberal and leftist aspirations. The automation of one step activates the following step and the automation of the entire process instils a chain reaction in all the processes it is linked to.

This logic cannot be broken because the system will try and go around it. The end result might be the automation of medical cures, of news and information or of purchased goods and commerce. In the end, we will be forced to automate ourselves just to avoid getting in the way of the system.

What is democracy today if not the search for new techniques that can act on people, inviting everyone to take part in the accepted general order of things. The State will convince us that machines will only do what the system asks and this is exactly what IBM said during their large-scale roll out of the company’s powerful computers.

In China there is already a system in place that acts as a laboratory for the automatic management of behaviour: the social credit system, Alibaba’s Sesame Credit. This is aimed at almost everyone – with the exception of people with criminal records – and is based on the scientific assessment of behaviour, providing you with an initial score that decreases following different daily actions you undertake. People with higher scores get benefits like being able to rent a car without a security deposit or having greater access to the healthcare. Those who end up on the “non-compliance list” can be banned from buying a plane ticket, building a house and enrolling their children in private school.

Sesame Credit uses an algorithm to analyse things like the purchases you make, your level of education and the quality of your friends. People can only guess how to improve their individual scores and get rid of friends with low scores. In only two years, Sesame Credit had recruited 400 million people, taking over every aspect of their lives. For the company’s CEO, the rating system “will ensure that the bad people in society don’t have a place to go”.

In an interview, the Social Sciences Academy researcher who invented the social credit system states: “It’s the best way to manage society, it allows us to control financial risks and reinstate moral education […] We need peace and stability and for everyone to live well, only then can we talk about rights. It’s an excellent technological method. France should adopt our system to deal with social unrest, with social credit they wouldn’t have had the Gilet Jaunes, they would have been identified from the start and there would not have been unrest.”

There are powers and forces at play that go beyond and exist regardless of the power and influence of States: research hubs like Silicon Valley, or large agricultural-bionanotechnological-pharmaceutical corporations, Big data or arms and bodies like the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), or foundations like the Rockefeller Foundation or Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Their objective is to fulfil a world vision and clear ideology that takes the form of specific techno-scientific developments and projects. States are subordinate and functional to these processes. The Rockefeller Foundation or Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also play a role in the prediction-development-management of different pandemics. They will exploit the new coronavirus, COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2), to carry out their digital identity project ID2020. Think of the development of the 5G network: a State that is subject to criticism and social pressures can heed caution – as in the case of GMOs and nanotechnologies – but it cannot stop these developments. It can only try and slow them down and present them in a different, more sustainable, controlled and safe light, like the smart city project in Barcelona which is cherished by environmentalists and feminists. These are key developments for the advancement of the tecno-scientific system that go beyond power and the role of single States.

5G: the network for Artificial Intelligence

The 5G network is about much more than just transmitting data at faster speeds. As well as increased speed, it will allow for more simultaneous connections and for the transmission of data in real-time with virtually no delay.With a ping, the time interval between the moment in which the signal is sent and the moment in which the response is made available – the response time of a system – is not delayed by more than a few milliseconds.

These characteristics – more simultaneous connections with no delay – and the ability to sustain a large quantity of gigabytes and terabytes, are of key importance to Artificial Intelligence, quantum calculations, augmented reality, biometrics, automation and to the transmission of data between machines: machine to machine (M2M). These things are also strictly interdependent: the development of one is necessary for the advancement of the others.

If we think about the research that originated within the military and was subsequently applied to the civilian sphere – like the research on radars that later led to microwave ovens – the 5G network and related developments like Artificial Intelligence can be implemented in both civilian and military spheres simultaneously. This not only transforms the weapons of war – with new arms like automatic military vehicles and drones that can fight wars – but also the way wars are waged. The digitalisation of the battlefield theorised by Darpa (the American military research body) is based on the constant exchange of information and the coordinated and immediate decision-making that follows.

The fact that Google’s AI AlphaGo defeated all other players at the game Go – which is much more complex than chess – attracted a lot of interest among the military’s high command who saw in it the demonstration of “strategic thinking” and therefore the potential to develop plans and make decisions in wartime contexts.

The 5G network is the breakthrough that allows the smart city to be developed in full and the Internet of things to emerge definitively, the internet of cybernetic humanity: an enormous information network in which everything – humans, other animals, natural environments, urban adornments, infrastructure, services – will be connected and communicate within an integrated system.

The idea to develop an invisible technology that is transparent and pervasive and must be able to

engage people at different points in their day through objects used in day-to-day life, dates back to research conducted in the 80s at the Xerox research centre in Palo Alto, Xerox PARC.

The term ubiquitous computing coined by PARC researcher Mark Weiser represented the idea of a new type of human-machine interaction which developed into the well-known Internet of things.

In 2002, IBM’s director described the intelligent planet that had been conceived in his labs: “the world’s digital and physical infrastructure will converge. We are putting computing power at the service of things that we would not previously have recognised as computers. In fact, almost everything – whether they be people, objects, a process or service, a public or private organisation, large or small – can become responsive to the digital reality and form part of a network”.

Passive sensors will become active and real-time data analysis will inform real-time actions – like a car engine being turned off if you haven’t paid your insurance. Real-time not only refers toa technological structure but also represents an anthropological transformation in which there is no room for uncertainty. Everything, including something unexpected or an error, must be predicted or picked up on in the precise moment it manifests itself. This is total dominion on the living but also on the course of events.

However it is a form of control that is more poignant and that not only feeds on recent or old archives but also on the state of reality in the moment in which it is formed […] You might call it “the constant transparency of the existence of the present.””7.

The Internet of things brings surveillance society to fruition: the things around us watch us and listen to us. We are also surveilled by the things we use on a daily basis which constantly transmit information on things that do or don’t happen. Our entire surroundings actively work to register and record our lives in full.

Without the constant production of data, the development of Artificial Intelligence itself would not be possible: data on individual consumption, behaviour and states of health, on the functioning of new urban systems, on geographical territories, on the climate – data on everything that’s classed as information.

Google does not extract data merely to sell advertising space. It gets used to develop its Artificial Intelligence projects. Google’s self-driving autopilot cars were not developed following technological innovations but thanks to the large amounts of data extracted to improve Artificial Intelligence using neural networks. Similarly, Facebook’s relative advantage in biometric recognition systems lies in the 350 million photos uploaded onto the site by users every day.

Artificial Intelligence becomes necessary when the world’s ability to generate information surpasses the ability to process and analyse it. Its development will be crucial for the analysis of Big data, the development of self-operated vehicles and for the automation of industry and services. For this to happen, a 5G network is required. A new convergence that signals an epochal transition in which the 5G network is at the heart of this cybernetic revolution.

The new colonialism

It is maps that create empires”in lands that have yet to be conquered. Street View aims to make everything in the world representable, reachable and indexable via Google. “Contribute to Street View, “Create your own 360° tour thanks to the products compatible with Street View” is what the project’s presentation says, a project which is also based on people’s participation and perfectly in line with the new participatory approach. Street View is not only made up of streets but also of information on how they are travelled by people.

As colonialism conquered new lands, they had to be mapped. Today, mapping is extended to human beings themselves. In 2020, Facebook will have 700 million new smartphones in Africa and aims to become its new platform just like in other places in the world that are on the digital margins. This will give them access to data on future users and therefore consumers. FreeBasic is a digitalization app for less developed countries that provides free access to the internet and to a range of services among which the only free ones are those developed by Facebook. Through its philanthropic façade, the app gathers key information such as health data and data that benefits women. The aim is to gain control of personal data, shape consumer choices and create new needs.

The control of 5G technologies, the global production of microchips, the extraction of lithium, cobalt, coltan and rare-earth elements required for microelectronics, have a crucial role to play in the global geopolitical chess match and will be the next conflict zones in the fight to secure global leadership. In 2018, the Trump administration had blocked the takeover of the number one microchip producer Qualcomm by a Singapore-based company. This was a strategic choice driven by the knowledge that being a global leader in microchip production was essential to lead in the 5G and AI sectors. The clash between the United States and the Chinese company Huawei should be understood in this context. China has become a competitor in the development of the 5G network, AI and automation. The Chinese corporation and online marketplace Alibaba has search engines and payment and trading platforms that allow it to manage a logistic chain that delivers 60 thousand parcels a day – ten times more than Amazon in the United States. Alibaba’s online payment platform has the capacity to manage 120 thousand transactions per second – a third of what US platforms can handle.

In the new race for Africa, the 4G networks already built by Huawei put the company in a position of greater power compared to the United States. To conquer new territory, telecommunications and digitalization infrastructure are required. Just as railways used to represent the advancement into new territory in the past, today, this is built on the back of telecommunications that are 5G-ready. An indicative example is the agreement backed by the Chinese government and signed by the start-up Cloud Walk Technology and the Zimbabwean government. The start-up develops facial recognition systems and the agreement includes the development of a mass surveillance system that is similar to the Chinese system. Zimbabwe will get new infrastructure while Cloud Walk Tecnology and China will receive huge amounts of data to improve the ability of facial recognition systems to recognise individuals across ethnic groups – one of the main problems in Artificial Intelligence training.

The engineering and automation of humans

There are certain technological developments that represent something that goes beyond their mere function and which cannot solely be reduced to their development in itself – think of the mobile phone which is not only a tool but represents the dominant transformations and paradigms of a specific historical and social moment.

The self-driven car that integrates sensors, data analysis and AI systems in a smart city made possible by the 5G network should be seen in this light. A self-driven car cannot exist in isolation and must be integrated in an urban environment and with the various sensors within it.

People use their cars to shop, eat, go to work, speak on the phone. Increasingly, they will interact with their car’s vocal assistant and sensors that will monitor their emotional states, set the right temperature and advise on how best to act. They will be perfectly attuned to the paradigm in which our lives are gently managed. Google is not interested in the car itself but in the behavioural data it provides, not in the map itself but in the data returns from movements and map searches.

Google is increasingly investing in automated vehicles, domotics and wearable objects and Facebook is developing drones and augmented reality. It is no coincidence that IBM sold its entire computer production sector in 2005 to develop automated management systems. What emerges from the actions of digital companies is that their aim is not build cars but to be inside them so they can constantly surround us. Through its creation of Alphabet in 20158, Google revealed that digital companies want to extend into all areas of our existence and be ever-present in our lives.

Self-driving cars not only manage journey times but also the time spent travelling, as they extract and work passenger data to recommend suitable restaurants or shops. By providing the answers, the system decides what the right solution is to address a given problem or need in that moment, even when no needs have been expressed. Google’s app Driving Mode which makes recommendations for destinations and travel times before users know where they want to go. We are destined to become passengers in own our lives, just like in the self-driven car. Not only will the management of data become automated, the aim is to automate human beings themselves. It is about taking human beings out of decision-making processes and directing their behaviour in a model of rationalised cybernetics in which humans are the error and the unforeseen and where exceptions and limits will not be tolerated. A transhumanist ideology embodied by companies like Google and IBM that will be fulfilled in the creation of a machine-world.

As stated by the transhumanist Nick Bostrom: As materials become increasingly malleable, the idea of a fixed species becomes problematic and reproduction loses its meaning. […] The more powerful and accessible our technologies get, the more we will be able to define ourselvesdefine the aims.Consequently, human groups will distinguish themselves based on the values that guide their choice of how to use these new powers to shape their morphology and their destiny.”

The technocracy of Silicon Valley boasts that it is working for the benefit of future generations, but what is meant by future generations? Those who are not generated, but produced in labs between microscopic slides, test tube cells and cultures, through the genetic modification of embryos, ectogenesis and cloning, without bodies every meeting, without a mother or a father.

We are facing an ontological transformation – in an antropotechnical dimension – as the very concept of humanity is redefined. An anthropological transformation – defined as the radical transformation of new generations – is underway, in which human beings are uprooted, eroded and with a sterilization of their capacity for awareness and resistance.

Humanity will be dispossessed of its ability to engage with reality, “we live in a world where things are retreating from consciousness”9. Without a conscience, it will no longer be possible to develop the sense of awareness and responsibility required to act in a society that produces opinions that leave the existent unchanged and don’t have consequences. Camus wrote that there is no such thing as a rebellion that isn’t centred on the idea of an offended human nature, one which is mortified and deserves redemption.

Resisting the megamachine

We find ourselves in an epochal moment marked by profound and irreversible transformation. Now is the time to realise this and fight against it.

The 5G network, while enormous, is only the means by which a world called the Internet of things – made up of communicating objects, and more recently, communicating bodies – can travel at high speeds.

In the world as we’ve known it up until now, it was impossible to foresee the intention and direction of these developments, even when they were confined to innocent labs or used to enslave animals on industrial farms.

It took a long time to bring technological processes to fruition, in particular, to bring them into the social sphere – with the accompanying social upheaval – and to pave the way for their social acceptance through so-called public participation which lies at the heart of the rigged democratic game. In recent years, the accelerating speed of technological progress has meant that we’ve seen the needs of the technological world before their actual development: wars, climate disruption and finally, the health dangers that stem from the creation of permanent pandemics, all speed up these processes and justify what has been under development for years. At their centre lies widespread Artificial Intelligence – not as a means but as an end and as a type of nonlife.

The process of economic re-ordering in which States are currently engaged is being used to reconfigure a new world made up of digital dictatorship and “health terror” and is treated as if it were the only state of things to ever have existed. Fear, hatred and attention are channelled towards something immaterial that cannot be fully understood. It is the system itself that provided us with the tools to understand this new reality through its propaganda and experts, but soon, these things will become concrete with vaccines and microchips on a mass scale. In this narrative, a crucial step has been missed, which until recently, still had meaning: opposing the present state of things. Why would there be opposition when we are all united through the same fears and hope for the invisible enemy that threatens everyone’s health?

This signals the importance of finding meaning once again and of attributing meaning to things in a way that encompasses different values, as stated by Ted Kaczynski in Hit where it hurts:It isabsolutelyessentialtoattackthesystemnotintermsofitsowntechnologically-oriented values,butintermsofvaluesthatareinconsistentwiththevaluesofthesystem.Aslongasyou attackthesystemintermsofitsownvalues,youdonothitthesystemwhereithurts,andyou allowthesystemtodeflateprotestbygivingway,bybackingoff.

Reattributing meaning must begin with the recognition that research labs concretely aim to engineer humans and reduce us to automatons, much like the robotic devices that move parcels in the logistical sector. The key developments which the system cannot afford to lose in or retreat from must also be understood in their concrete form: the 5G network, Artificial Intelligence, nanotechnologies, synthetic biology, genetic engineering and artificial reproduction.

By dealing with these questions only in part, we are limiting ourselves to focusing on the latest harmful effects or on certain aspects and we risk losing sight of the whole, while making action less incisive. For example, in the case of GMOs in agriculture, the system is open to dialogue, whereas the genetic engineering of humans is not. Yet, it is self-explanatory that when control over our bodies, their processes, and reproduction is lost, all ethical barriers will come down and the system will be able to engineer the living in its totality. Analysis and action should immediately be directed at places where it hurts, without being afraid to touch on questions that are seen to be untouchable or of being criticised for being an isolated, disconnected, and, in short, premature minority.

If the transformations overwhelming us are unprecedented and cannot be interpreted using existing concepts and tools, the same applies to resistance. It will have to adapt to the present and find new strategies for intervention that must be efficient and aim for the focal points of the new digital world. The passion for struggle, which they’d like to weaken or domesticate and bring into a virtual or symbolic sphere, must be discovered. Time is running out, like an electronic tag, without respite. The changes that will take place in future months and years will be permanent and there will be no going back. So, for those who love life the only thing left to do is to bring it to fruition and be driven by a way of feeling that still makes sense, towards the freedom that develops in the midst of struggle.

May 2020
Resistenze al nanomondo

1 Pièces et Main d’Ouvre, Manifeste des Chimpanzés du futur contre le transhumanisme, Service compris, 2017.
2 Wiener Norbert, The Human Use of Humanity Beings, Houghton Mifflin H., 1954.
3 Han Byung-Chu, Im Schwarm. Ansichten des Digitalen, MSB, 2013, trad. it., Nello sciame. Visioni del digitale, Nottetempo, 2015.
4 “The production of souls is more important than the production of tanks. […] The engineers of the human soul must forge the new Soviet man”. Joseph Stalin, Speech at home of Maxim Gorky, 26 October 1932
5Han Byung-Chul, Was ist Mach?, Ditzingen, 2005, trd. it., Che cosa è il potere?, Nottetempo, 2019.
6 Ibid.
7 Sadin Eric, La silicolonisation du monde, L’èchapeé, 2016, trad. it., La siliconizzazione del mondo, Einaudi, 2018.
8 Alongside the search engine, Alphabet: an operating system (Android), an advertising service (AdWord), an online video platform (You Tube), map services (Google Maps e Street View), healthcare companies (Calico), an education service (Google for Education), domotic products and products tied to the internet (Nest Lab), infrastructural networks (Google Fiber), robotics (Boston Robotics), urban planning (Sidewalk Labs), Artificial Intelligence (Google Brain e Google DeepMind), a lab for moon-based projects (Google X), self-driving cars, a private equity fund (CapitalG) and an investment company (GV) to support start-ups.
9 Graham Harman, Heidegger on Object and Things, in Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy, The Mit Press, 2005.

Published in 325 magazine:,

Mugello (FI) – Sabotato cantiere di impianto eolico

Trasportati dal vento

Assiduo ricercatore di «un equilibrio tra responsabilità economica, responsabilità Sociale e responsabilità ambientale», il gruppo Agsm di Verona è un’impresa che afferma di avere qualche scrupolo di coscienza. Il suo scopo è ovviamente quello di ricavare profitto, ma lo vuole fare in maniera pulita, si potrebbe azzardare quasi etica. Attiva nel settore energetico, questa azienda non vuole saperne di petrolio, di gas o nucleare. Nossignori, poiché «la sostenibilità è nel dna del Gruppo Agsm» la sua specialità è lo sfruttamento delle cosiddette risorse rinnovabili. Anche il sole, l’acqua e il vento possono alimentare la Mega-macchina che sta devastando il pianeta! Uno dei suoi ultimi progetti è la costruzione di un grande impianto eolico sul monte Giogo, nel Mugello toscano. La Agsm ne ha presentato il progetto un anno fa, dando l’avvio all’iter autorizzativo guidato dalla Regione che ha visto la partecipazione di 44 Enti, nonché un «dibattito aperto con i cittadini» conclusosi lo scorso 24 agosto. Terminato perché ha trovato tutti d’accordo? No di certo, terminato perché ogni dibattito è solo una seccante formalità, da sbrigare in fretta prima di passare ai lucrosi fatti.
Così lo scorso mercoledì 21 ottobre i tecnici della Agsm si sono recati sul monte Giogo per installarvi una sonda geognostica, una specie di trivella che fin dal mattino è stata messa in funzione per perforare il terreno. Al termine della prima giornata di lavoro, loro scendevano dal monte stanchi ed affaticati e qualcun altro lo risaliva pieno di rabbia. Entrato nel cantiere, ha sabotato il macchinario bloccando il cavo dell’acceleratore, tranciando uno dei tubi del circuito aerodinamico della perforatrice, tagliando alcuni dei cavi di protezione e forando le gomme del trattore usato per portare il macchinario sul posto. Secondo il parere degli stessi tecnici della Asgm, questo qualcuno sarebbe poi tornato la mattina successiva (giovedì 22) per gettare in un fossato tubi e strumentazioni lasciate dagli addetti un po’ più a valle. Il sabotatore colpisce sempre due volte?

Alla Agsm non è rimasto che presentare alla stazione dei Carabinieri di Vicchio una denuncia contro ignoti per atti vandalici e sabotaggio. Inutile dire che il sabotaggio è stato condannato da tutti i politicanti, nessuno escluso, dai sindaci dei paesi limitrofi (secondo cui i sabotatori avrebbero «messo a repentaglio l’incolumità dei lavoratori» e «Dicomano, Vicchio, il Mugello non si meritano questo») ai dirigenti di partito («Un episodio sconcertante… atti vergognosi commessi da delinquenti»), passando per gli anemici cittadinisti del Comitato per la Tutela dei Crinali mugellani («Fin dal primo giorno e dalla prima riunione abbiamo dichiarato che avremmo combattuto con tutti i mezzi della legalità»). Tutti là, a domandarsi chi sia stato a travalicare il civile confronto democratico…
Eppure, la risposta aleggia nel vento, nemico mio, la risposta aleggia nel vento.

Qui un articolo dalla stampa locale:

Info da:

Pandemizzare il mondo per vaccinare tutti. ID 2020: una nuova operazione AktionT4 si appresta all’orizzonte

È inutile girarci tanto intorno, quello che si va non tanto preparando, ma piuttosto predisponendo, la fase preparatoria è già avvenuta da tempo, è un progetto di manipolazione del vivente quando non direttamente di annientamento dello stesso che non ha precedenti per ampiezza e portata. ID2020 Digital Identity Alliance è di un portato tale da far passare come piani di poco conto quelli effettuati dai nazisti con l’operazione T4 destinati all'”eutanasia” nella Germania nazista. I piani Aktion T4 e dell’ Agenda ID20201 hannonon poche similitudini, prima fra tutte è sicuramente la non segretezza. Assenza di segretezza non significa che vi fosse chiarezza su quello che erano gli obiettivi ultimi dei progetti nazisti, anche se questi si svolgevano in rispettabili ospedali con complicità o indifferenza molto allargate. La scelta del momento, la preparazione dei malati o presunti tali, la corrispondenza con i familiari, il disbrigo di richieste importune, tutti questi problemi venivano risolti autonomamente dalle amministrazioni statali e cittadine, dalle direzioni e dai gestori dei singoli istituti, in una forma del tutto cordiale ed estremamente collaborativa con lo svolgersi del piano Aktion T4. Anche se non di massa non sono state poche le selezioni atte a far assassinare tutti coloro ritenuti inutili per la società, a partire da disabili, malati cronici, anziani non autosufficienti e soggetti affetti da presunte malattie psichiatriche.

Se il clima e il contesto del tempo fossero stati più favorevoli, senza le guerre in corso e le prime seppur marginali voci critiche, sicuramente simili progetti non sarebbero stati ritirati strategicamente.

Tanta conoscenza vi è intorno ai capannoni destinati a lagher, ma poco si sa, nel sapere diffuso, su quello che erano certe rinomate cliniche e centri di ricerca che per tanto tempo ancora hanno continuato ad ispirare e insegnare al mondo intero anche a fine guerra e quindi a nazismo finito.

Qui si apre un punto molto importante nella riflessione che vorremmo fare, su qual’è il momento opportuno che fa avviare simili piani o progetti. Sicuramente la condizione innesca e dà l’avvio al tutto, ma la preparazione è un qualcosa di già presente nella società, un qualcosa a cui non si è voluto riconoscere il giusto peso, per pigrizia riflessiva, opportunismo, quieto vivere o, molto più spesso, per quel rapido pensiero anestetizzante riassumibile in “non si arriverà mai a tanto”.

Sicuramente il potere tecno-scientifico è andato avanti mistificando la realtà dei fatti, delle proprie intenzioni e dei risultati ottenuti. Ma questo non basta a spiegare tutto o almeno a spiegarlo solo parzialmente. Oggi, più che nel passato, si riesce a mettere insieme quei pezzi che rendono possibile e concreta un’apparente visione tecno-scientifica, all’interno di un ben definito progetto pronto a diventare realtà nella società. Per questo la scienza non punta più, o quasi, a smentire chi l’accusa di non essere neutrale, piuttosto lavora al logorio del senso delle cose, al cambiamento dei significati che abitualmente si davano alle cose tutte: dalla natura e alle stesse espressioni dei corpi. La sperimentazione è stata probabilmente il vero campo in cui si è attuata quella cesura tra il laboratorio e il mondo reale. Sembrava che l’esperimento separato dal mondo reale dalle barriere del laboratorio in un certo senso fosse garantito da ogni possibile esito nefasto, contenuto in quel circondo ben vigilato dai sacerdoti della scienza. Invece la convergenza delle scienze fattesi irrimediabilmente tecno-scienze nello sperimentare già cambiavano il mondo. Questa convergenza sperimentale ha portato a incontrarsi campi apparentemente molto lontani tra loro. È stata la tecnologia che ha reso non solo possibile, ma necessario, il mettere insieme singoli settori, portandoli via dalla loro settorialità e quindi limitatezza di intervento.

Pochi mesi dal manifestarsi di questo virus non possono spiegare una pianificazione così programmata: diversa nelle varie parti del mondo, ma allineata verso un obiettivo unico, sempre più condiviso, anche se descritto da lingue e mondi diversi.

Forse mai come in questo momento è visibile come la convergenza delle tecno-scienze stringe il proprio cerchio sul pianeta e i suoi abitanti. Ma, soprattutto, come ogni singolo aspetto necessiti di un altro, dal più innocuo al più invasivo o bellico. Del resto cosa c’è più di civile o militare a questo punto? Quando la narrazione che ci descrive il mondo cambiato parla la lingua della guerra significa che quell’enorme “sforzo bellico” non solo richiederà sforzi e sacrifici impensabili, ma soprattutto concentrerà la nostra attenzione: sequestrati dalla guerra al virus. Sotto costante pressione in attesa di una “pace” che non arriverà mai e anzi il raggiungimento della stessa sarà la dimensione in cui d’ora in avanti ci toccherà vivere, perché questa guerra non può che chiamarne altre e altre ancora. Anche se, col tempo, per il sistema tecno-scientifico non sarà più credibile mantenere in piedi la farsa della pandemia micidiale da SARS-CoV-2 il vero scopo è stato far introiettare negli individui il virus sanitario con una medicalizzazione costante dalla nascita alla morte. Resi incapaci di leggere e ascoltare il nostro corpo, a partire dal riconoscere la febbre come un segnale naturale fondamentale, siamo ormai schiavi della salute. Questa “cura della salute” però non è un qualcosa che nasce da noi e che pensa a noi. Siamo di fronte a qualcosa di esterno, di standardizzato, che vale per milioni o forse miliardi di persone. Tecniche come il Crisp/CAS 9 sembrano essere selettive, ogni persona potrà avere le cure necessarie in base alla sua patologia, superando cure generiche e costose ed eliminando errori, ci informano prestigiose riviste scientifiche e scienziate fattesi star. Questa nuova visione della salute non è un qualcosa che interagisce con la realtà in cui sono immerse le persone, al contrario impone il proprio medium sanitario dall’esterno, frutto del laboratorio di ingegneria genetica. Si vuole che la salute ci accompagni in ogni aspetto della nostra esistenza e per questo è fondamentale la digitalizzazione incorporata nella nostra quotidianità. Ma per essere in salute è necessario essere dei docili pazienti pronti alle prescrizioni e pronti a non dubitare mai, in una parola è necessaria l’obbedienza. Questa non deriva da un insegnamento, ma da un addestramento, che definiscono già aggiornamento come fossimo softwer informatici. Un mondo di sorvegliati e sorveglianti all’occorrenza, controllati, manipolati geneticamente, in mano a una cupola tecnico-scientifica-digitale. Per portarci a tutto questo non ci si poteva che arrivare attraverso una grande paura per la salute e per la vita.

Il vero spirito transumanista, prima ancora di una insperata riprogettazione degli organismi viventi verso una loro implementazione e fusione con le macchine, trova il suo essere nell’uomo nuovo privato di autonomia e in balia dei succhi vaccinali farmaceutici somministrati a livello globale. Che fosse questa la condizione che volevano per frugare finalmente a piene mani dentro i corpi, per portare quelle modificazioni adatte ad un mondo di sviluppi esponenziali?

Quelle che sembravano solo metafore o frutto dell’infinita retorica della Silicon Valley hanno dimostrato tutta la loro concretezza, già dal tempo in cui società impegnate nei settori dei Big Data investivano anche nell’ingegneria genetica e quindi nella biologia, verso i corpi ancora carnei.

La completezza del concetto di informazione tanto caro alla Silicon Valley può darsi nella sua interezza soltanto associato ai corpi: non più come trasportatori del medium dei dati, ma trasformati essi stessi in dato o insieme di dati da inserire nei loro terminali.

Ma per capire questo presente e capire come l’occasione giusta abbia fatto la differenza è necessario tornare anche nel nostro passato, quel passato che si vorrebbe spazzare via o digitalizzare nelle loro biblioteche virtuali in attesa che innocenti algoritmi facciano definitiva pulizia. Quel passato di esperimenti chimico-farmaceutico-psichici dalla CIA del famigerato Allen Dulles sugli americani nelle metrò e per le strade delle grandi città; di uranio distribuito ampiamente con i bombardieri su interi paesi, dall’Iraq alla Serbia; di fosforo fatto scrosciare sugli inermi abitanti di Fallujah e di Gaza; di test nucleari su atolli abitati per vedere gli effetti sulla popolazione; di diossina dell’Agente Orange di Monsanto che in Vietnam ha causato milioni di morti e problemi gravissimi di salute presenti ancora oggi, causando modificazioni genetiche permanenti degli organismi viventi.

Più recentemente abbiamo visto usare il Sud del mondo come grande stabulario non per contenere Macachi, carissimi e sotto protezione, ma intere popolazioni con un’ottima caratteristica scientifica: l’essere poverissimi e quindi privi di autonomia e alla mercè di caritatevoli istituzioni e ONG che come sempre preparano il terreno come un tempo facevano i missionari per i colonizzatori. E chi da decenni si prodiga a raccogliere i frutti di tali ricerche è il comparto farmaceutico e la Fondazione Bill e Melinda Gates. Quest’ultima da anni lavora a progetti di depopolamento nei paesi poveri, ma il piano vuole estendersi su scala globale. È evidente che l’ingegnerizzazione delle zanzare con la tecnica del Gene Drive per combattere la malaria in Africa attraverso la loro sterilizzazione con metodi selettivi è una sperimentazione che ha come vero obiettivo l’essere umano. Lo stesso Gates in una conferenza ha dichiarato“se facciamo un buon lavoro con la salute e la sanità riproduttiva possiamo diminuire la popolazione mondiale del 10-15%”. Come aveva previsto tutto insieme agli amici di Davos su un’epidemia da Coronavirus, anche in questo caso le sue non sono parole al vento. Grazie ai suoi vaccini è riuscito a sterilizzare milioni di donne in Africa e, promuovendo cinquanta vaccini contro la Polimomelite, oltre ai cinque già presenti, ha provocato un’epidemia di questa malattia. Vaccini che hanno paralizzato centinaia di migliaia di bambini in India tra il 2000 e il 2017 e che ancora oggi causano più morti della stessa malattia. Le peggiori epidemie si sono verificate in Congo, nelle Filippine e in Afghanistan e tutte sono legate ai vaccini di Gates.

Nel 2010 la Fondazione Gates ha finanziato uno studio sul vaccino sperimentale contro la malaria, prodotto ancora una volta dalla GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), che ha ucciso 151 bambini africani e provocato gravi effetti nocivi dalle convulsioni febbrili alle paralisi.

La Fondazione Gates nel 2014 ha finanziato dei test di vaccini sperimentali contro il papilloma umano (HPV), sviluppati dalla GSK e dalla Merck, su 23.000 ragazze di remote province indiane. Circa 1200 hanno sofferto di gravi effetti collaterali, fra cui disturbi autoimmuni e della fertilità e sette sono morte. I ricercatori finanziati da Gates hanno approfittato della forte condizione di povertà e di vulnerabilità in cui versavano le famiglie per far accettare con intimidazioni ai genitori le loro procedure falsificando moduli di consenso e rifiutando l’assistenza medica alle ragazze colpite.

Una forte campagna vaccinale promossa nel 2014 dall’OMS e dall’UNICEF contro il tetano materno e neonatale ha portato alla sterilizzazione chimica di milioni di donne keniote. Episodi simili provengono anche dalla Tanzania, dal Messico, dal Nicaragua e dalle filippine con campagne vaccinali andate avanti per oltre un decennio.

Sempre più spesso dietro programmi internazionali di sostenibilità si attuano vere e proprie campagne di medicalizzazione forzata, testando tutto quello che il farmaceutico ha bisogno di testare, uccidendo molte più persone di quelle malattie che si fa finta di prevenire.

Tanti, anzi tantissimi gli esempi che si potrebbero fare, tra fatti noti, meno noti e tutto quello che non è conosciuto e possiamo solo immaginarcelo. Cosa dunque c’è da aspettarsi per il prossimo futuro? Niente che andrà bene per cominciare, considerato che a breve verrà formalizzato il nostro essere soggetti da esperimento con ricercatori che hanno già chiesto l’immunità sulle possibili conseguenze dannose causate dagli stessi vaccini che si apprestano ad elargire su vasta scala. Intanto, almeno in Italia, si partirà dal vaccino influenzale per anziani e bambini, reso obbligatorio in alcune regioni, per arrivare poi ai nuovi vaccini a DNA e mRNA per il SARS-CoV-2.
Gli approcci di questi nuovi vaccini sembrano attrarre ricercatori con una particolare visione meccanicista o transumanista degli esseri umani. In questo comparto farmaceutico i nuovi vaccini vengono elogiati per la loro “programmabilità” intrinseca che ricorda un computer e “Proprio come un computer, la terapia con mRNA può riprogrammare il proprio corpo per produrre le proprie terapie”. Moderna è una multinazionale farmaceutica, apparentemente arrivata dal nulla, che stava lottando per restare a galla, considerato che il suo piano di “reinventare la medicina” con terapie altamente pericolose, sviluppate dalle torture sugli animali, non avevano potuto essere trasferite sull’uomo. Tutto è cambiato con le cattive notizie sul Covid-19 a livello mondiale che sono diventate ottime notizie per Moderna e tutto il comparto biotecnologico e farmaceutico che hanno trasferito ogni attenzione verso il Covid-19 aspettandosi profitti record in tempi record. Questo considerato che l’iter sperimentale in tempi di l”emergenza” è stato pressato e concentrato in un’unica fase per accorciare i tempi, prima che la paura si distenda o svanisca. L’amministratore delegato di Moderna descrive gli approcci che usano filamenti di RNA “personalizzati” come “la trasformazione delle cellule del corpo in fabbriche di farmaci ad hoc essendo come un software: puoi semplicemente girare la manovella e far funzionare molti prodotti in sviluppo”. Allo stesso modo la rivista Nature commentando il mondo dalla sua prospettiva biotecnologica si rallegra che l’approccio “consente un rapido affinamento con combinazioni quasi illimitate di derivati“. Quindi arriverà un tatuaggio quantico2 per il riconoscimento vaccinale e vaccini a DNA che comporteranno l’incorporazione permanente di geni sintetici nel DNA producendo un essere umano geneticamente modificato, con effetti a lungo termine sconosciuti, e vaccini mRNA con nanoparticelle al loro interno.
Trattandosi di visioni per niente segrete e anzi pubblicizzate in tutti i loro canali, c’è da aspettarsi che al peggio che abbiamo di fronte ci sia ancora di più, come un intervento di ingegneria genetica sulla linea germinale utilizzando il mezzo vaccinale.
Negli ultimi anni le sperimentazioni hanno assunto proporzioni sempre più permanenti con scopi ben più ambiziosi del piccolo atollo irradiato o una piccola porzione di popolazione africana manipolata e avvelenata. L’obiettivo è il mondo intero o gran parte di esso. In questa direzione le epidemie o pandemie si prestano benissimo, per la portata globale di intervento che offrono e soprattutto per la successiva gestione del fenomeno, che non può essere certo preso esclusivamente in carico dai singoli Stati, ma da precisi organi internazionali del comparto tecnico-scientifico e farmaceutico che si mettono al comando delle operazioni e ne determinano il futuro assetto e il comportamento che la società dovrà seguire.
Uno di questi organi internazionali preposto a intervenire per epidemie e pandemie è proprio l’OMS, che rappresenta l’organo con più potere e rappresentativo a livello globale. A parte le briciole di qualche Stato chi regge questa struttura e ne influenza e ne determina le decisioni è la Fondazione Bill e Melinda Gates e le principali multinazionali farmaceutiche.
Durante l’epidemia dell’influenza aviaria, con i primi casi nel 1997 fino al 2005, il direttore dell’OMS dell’epoca aveva avvertito con toni di catastrofe, toni che ci sarebbero diventati noti negli anni, di un’ondata mondiale di infezione che avrebbe causato 7 milioni di morti, previsti 150 mila in Italia. Come risposta i governi acquistarono farmaci antiinfluenzali come il carissimo Tamiflu per milioni di confezioni. Nel 1996 la multinazionale farmaceutica Roche aveva acquistato la licenza per la produzione di Tamiflu da una società biotecnologica USA. Questa influenza alla fine comportò centinaia di vittime umane in tutto il mondo che lavoravano in quelle fabbriche di smontaggio animale che sono gli allevamenti industriali e comportò un massacro incalcolabile di volatili effettuato a scopo preventivo.
Il direttore dell’OMS al termine di quasi tre anni di queste inquietudini (per gli altri) epidemiche entrò a far parte con un ruolo di direzione nella multinazionale farmaceutica svizzera Novartis.
L’influenza suina scoppiata nel 2009 fu definita dall’OMS la prima pandemia del XXI sec., facendo muovere subito a livello internazionale la macchina pandemica con il suo corollario di paura, mascherine, disinfettanti. Questa semplice influenza scoppiò nel 2009 in Messico e causò 20 mila morti in tutto il mondo, con 230 milioni di dosi di vaccino comprati dai governi e mandati al macero o inviati in Africa come veleno umanitario con l’aiuto delle solite ONG compiacenti.
Anche in questo caso la cosiddetta pandemia non si verificò, ma non scoraggiò l’allora direttrice dell’OMS Margaret Chan a sollecitare le farmaceutiche a “produrre 4,9 miliardi di vaccinazioni l’anno, perché quel virus avrebbe potuto infettare il 40% degli americani nel giro di due anni”. Quella falsa pandemia è stata definita per la medicina uno dei più grandi scandali del secolo. Questo non ha impedito all’ex patron di Novartis, lo svizzero Vasella, di dichiarare che “la prossima volta che ci sarà una pandemia e ci sarà un’altra pandemia, i governi che si sono dimostrati partner affidabili verranno trattati in modo preferenziale”. Vi è evidentemente un legame indissolubile tra i produttori di vaccini e gli organismi internazionali di valutazione come appunto l’OMS. Finchè il problema non supera il livello di un’influenza o di un’epidemia poco o quasi si muove, ma quando si entra nel livello 6 di “periodo pandemico” e viene dichiarata la pandemia, gli affari del comparto farmaceutico vanno alle stelle perché solo con questo stadio i contratti diventano esecutivi e viene aperta la campagna di vaccinazione.
Nel nuovo Coronavirus definito “pandemia” come narratoci dall’OMS e dagli organi informativi internazionali vicini alla Fondazione Gates e al comparto farmaceutico, vi è un qualcosa che va oltre il mero aspetto economico. L’occasione che il clima di emergenza ha predisposto punta a costruire una nuova normalità nel mondo post-Coronavirus, come ricorda Gates “saranno necessari certificati digitali che dimostrino la nostra immunità nel mondo post-coronavirus”.
Nel 2015 è nato un progetto denominato ID2020 Alliance, una coalizione globale che riunisce organizzazioni pubbliche e private con lo scopo di “migliorare la vita di tutti i cittadini” tramite lo sviluppo e diffusione su scala globale dell’identità digitale.
Dietro questo sodalizio si trovano la Fondazione Gates, la fondazione Rockefeller, la società Gavi (Alleanza sui vaccini), l’Alleanza mondiale per le immunizzazioni, le principali multinazionali farmaceutiche, l’ONU e alcuni governi nazionali.
Si tratterebbe dell’inserimento di un microchip RFID nel corpo umano, in grado di contenere informazioni personali di ogni persona, soprattutto quelle sanitarie, oltre anche alla possibilità di essere usato come supporto attivo per la somministrazione di vaccini. Direttamente dal sito del Forum di Davos, Gates, che rappresenta per questo progetto sicuramente il massimo ispiratore, fa sapere di voler creare un archivio digitale di consultazione istantanea, contenente dati sensibili, soprattutto sanitari, condivisibili dai singoli paesi a livello internazionale e in tempo reale.
In alcuni stati il programma ID2020 è già operativo, seppur celato dalla solita definizione di sperimentazione, parola mistificatrice per eccellenza nelle tecno-scienze. I soggetti da esperimento che stanno utilizzando al momento sono i senza tetto di Austin in Texas, ma vi è anche un’intero paese, il Bangladesh. In tutti questi casi le persone vengono microchippate, tracciate e controllate attraverso una matrice di identificazione globale. Ai senza tetto viene dato per incentivarne la “volontarietà” anche un corrispettivo in denaro, chissà che con questi tempi di crisi non ispiri le transfemministe nostrane, dopo prostituzione e utero in affitto, a considerarli come imprenditori di se stessi.
L’ID2020 è un programma di identificazione elettronica che parte con l’idea di raggiungere ogni persona sul pianeta, per far questo intende avvalersi proprio della vaccinazione generalizzata su scala mondiale e ovviamente obbligatoria e intende utilizzare i nuovi vaccini a DNA e a mRNA. Il tema dei vaccini è l’aspetto centrale su cui si fonda l’identità digitale. Il programma andrà a sfruttare le operazioni di registrazione delle nascite, nonchè delle vaccinazioni già esistenti, per andare a fornire a ogni neonato un’identità digitale portatile collegata biometricamente.
Il sogno transumanista che sembrava agli scettici tanto lontano si fa sempre più vicino, non tanto con fusioni cervello-macchina ancora lontane, ma piuttosto con un’avvicinamento sempre più prossimo e permanente dei corpi alle macchine con un accompagnamento che si fa protesi. Non ha importanza il nome che viene dato ai progetti che si vanno plasmando in quel laboratorio-mondo, emerge con forza l’essenza dell’uomo ridotto a macchina comunicante.
La narrazione di Gates intorno alla grandiosità dei vaccini è molto particolare, dopo le stucchevoli storie dei bambini che non hanno accesso all’acqua e non hanno cibo nel sud del mondo, entra nel vivo di quelli che sono i suoi progetti di beneficenza. Intervenire in ogni angolo di mondo con vaccini e digitalizzazione per migliorare le condizioni di vita. Per Melinda e Bill Gates e tutta l’Elite questo miglioramento porterebbe ad una responsabilità nei confronti delle gravidanze perché i poveri non farebbero altro che fare figli e in questo modo perpetuerebbero all’infinito questa situazione di miseria e morte che tanto li commuovono. Quindi stiamo parlando di un intervento diretto sui corpi e non solo. Un nuovo eugenismo si appresta a prendere piede su vasta scala, estremamente più pericoloso perché aiutato dall’alta tecnologia e dalla rete 5G.
Se ci chiediamo cosa avrebbero fatto i nazisti sostenuti da IBM se avessero avuto accesso per esempio all’RFID invece che semplicemente alla macchina perforatrice di Hollerith per contabilizzare gli internati nei campi di sterminio, dobbiamo chiederci cosa faranno questi nuovi eugenisti che vogliono lavorare a ridurre la popolazione mondiale, ma non solo. Per chi resta ci sarà una società della sorveglianza e farmaci biotecnologici che manipolano geneticamente i corpi.
Il controllo della riproduzione umana, vera fissazione per Gates, ma anche per tutto il settore farmaceutico è uno dei prossimi passi dove non molleranno la presa.
Tra gli investimenti della fondazione Bill e Melinda Gates troviamo lo sviluppo di un microchip anticoncezionale per erogare automaticamente una dose giornaliera dell’ormone levonorgestrolo, gestito in modalità wireless, progettato per prevenire la gravidanza fino a 16 anni. Se una donna decide ad un certo punto che vorrebbe concepire un bambino, può disattivare il dispositivo con un telecomando. Il microchip era stato originariamente progettato negli anni ’90 per l’erogazione di farmaci che consentono a un singolo impianto di conservare ed erogare con precisione centinaia di dosi terapeutiche per mesi o anni. Le possibilità sono molteplici, basti pensare all’uso della nanomedicina proprio per questo tipo di applicazioni, che potranno essere controllate anche da remoto.
Nel mentre a livello mondiale le definizioni sfumano e un’influenza raramente mortale diventa una pandemia, non c’è neanche più necessità di dare spiegazioni, ma solo seguire per gli Stati le indicazioni date dall’OMS. Questa situazione è perfetta per il piano ID2020, ma la fretta è d’obbligo, non vogliono aspettare troppo a tirare fuori dal cappello magico il vaccino, sanno bene che il clima di terrore che hanno messo in piedi rischia di abituare.
La realtà intorno a noi è cambiata, tanto che ce lo annuncia il potere stesso ad ogni occasione per instillarci continuamente il nuovo paradigma tecnocratrico. Quando questo sarà pienamente sviluppato coloro che ne sono gli artefici non vogliono sorprese e si anticipano confondendo le carte in tavola. Ovviamente si continua ancora a parlare di privacy, di libertà di scelta e di condivisione di ogni singolo passaggio. Ma più vengono toccati questi aspetti e più si lavora alla loro demolizione, quasi alla stessa velocità.Questa tecnocrazia si appresta a mettere da parte molte persone, soprattutto gli anziani, ma più in generale chi semplicemente non si conformerà al nuovo assetto, perché non conformarsi vorrà dire semplicemente non esistere socialmente: l’ideologia dei social network si è trasferita dalla rete alla realtà con la possibilità non solo più di tracciare le persone nel momento dell’utilizzo di smartphon e computer. Questa possibilità si trasferisce in ogni spazio sociale in cui vive ogni essere umano sul pianeta. Analisi critiche anche molto interessanti come quelle sulla società della sorveglianza della Zuboff sono state accolte favorevolmente da tutte le parti, seppur con spirito di citazione. Ma la cosa più particolare è che sono state accolte favorevolmente anche dai maggiori destinatari di quelle critiche, se non proprio dalle grandi multinazionali della digitalizzazione, sicuramente le tesi della Zuboff sono le ben venute da quegli Stati che stanno già digitalizzando le proprie economie, rifacendosi sempre a quelle stesse multinazionali. Le conclusioni delle tesi riformiste e democratiche della Società della sorveglianza diffuse in Italia dalla casa editrice Luiss, rappresentano il digestivo sociale della nuova tecnocrazia digitale.
Il dibattito su obbligatorietà o meno di queste pratiche come la digital-vaccinazione e prossima chippatura, sono solo chimere, usate da chi ancora gioca con i feticci democratici sperando di ricavarne qualche agibilità politica magari alle prime elezioni o da chi si identifica in movimenti farlocchi alla Greta. Le cosiddette contraddizioni care al popolo di sinistra, ancora impegnato a discutere sulle piattaforme, non tarderanno ad arrivare e saranno anche dirompenti, ma verranno trattate con programmi di credito sociale come il Sesame Credit cinese, costruiti per la digeribilità degli stomaci europei e non solo.
Il nuovo piano T4 si appresta a dispiegarsi, ma su vasta scala e con tecnologie all’avanguardia. In base a quello che già sappiamo e immaginiamo come possibilità per il prossimo futuro si può essere certi che verrà messo in campo, magari in modo scomposto o frammentato, ma si attuerà. Al riguardo sono lungimiranti le parole della Fondazione Rockfeller, partner per il prossimo digital-vaccino: ” È importante che gli scenari non siano previsioni. Piuttosto, sono ipotesi ponderate che ci permettono di immaginare, e poi di provare, diverse strategie per essere più preparati per il futuro o più ambiziosi, come aiutare a plasmare un futuro migliore… gli scenari sono un mezzo attraverso il quale è possibile non solo immaginare ma anche attualizzare un grande cambiamento”.

Giugno 2020, Bergamo, Costantino Ragusa
Tratto da “L’Urlo della Terra”, numero 8, Luglio 2020

1 ID: Identificazione Digitale.

2 I tatuaggi a punti quantici implicano l’applicazione di microneedle a base di zucchero dissolvibili che contengono un vaccino e nanocristalli, chiamati punti quantici, a base di rame fluorescente che brillano sotto la luce infrarossa, incorporati all’interno di capsule biocompatibili. Dopo che i microneedes si dissolvono sotto la pelle, lasciano i punti quantici incapsulati i cui schemi possono essere scansionati.